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((That's Daryl in the picture))

After some very needed nice silence and alone time, Harry started to explain to them everything that happened. From the last Hallow being hidden in the Snitch to what he had seen in Snape's memories. There was so much they didn't know from the last hours but Harry noticed Jade didn't look as surprised as Ron and Granger.

"Did you know?" Harry asked, meaning about Snape and Dumbledore's arrangement.

"Sort of," she admitted. "It's weird. Do you remember I've said that I'd have killed Dumbledore if it wasn't for Snape?"


"Well, that's not entirely true. I had said almost the whole curse, I was ready for it when I heard Dumbledore's voice. His thoughts. It's weird because I wasn't trying to get into his mind, not like if I could, but it was like he was invading my mind to tell me things."

"What did he say?" Ron asked.

"'Don't. Snape must be the one to kill me. Your soul is untouched, don't rip it apart by murder.' And I knew the whole situation was bigger than we thought. I asked Snape but he never fully explained and that's another reason why I was so upset at Dumbledore. I couldn't understand."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked.

"Snape said it was extremely important to not talk about it before time. And Dumbledore said that too. Snape actually made me do a vow, I guess he didn't fully trust my word. I was so angry at times because I wanted to say something but I kept my mouth shut. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Harry said in a reassuring tone. "You would have died if you told us something."

"What I want to know is, how are you alive right now?" Jade asked him. "I saw the green flash, I saw it did hit you. And you were dead! Narcissa Malfoy saw you were dead! She confirmed it!"

"Actually, when she saw me, she noticed I was breathing," Harry said and for the first time Jade looked even more shocked than Ron and Granger. "She asked me if Malfoy was still alive. I nodded, trying not to move much and then she told Voldemort I was dead."

"So she lied to him."

"She did!" Harry said with a smile. "I was actually so lucky that it was her the one to check if I was dead."

"So she knew about it? All this time?" Jade said in surprise. "And she didn't tell me or hint at it!"

"Maybe she knew you wouldn't be able to hide your shock or that you'd make a scene," Harry guessed with a shrug.

"So," Jade said with a chuckle, as she finally realised something. "When she said to me she needed Draco to be close to her because things were going to get ugly, she meant you, basically coming back to life."

"Yeah, she knew it was coming."

"Okay, so we have cleared that. Now, please explain why you didn't die and did you even feel the Cruciatus Curse? Because I saw when Voldemort did it on you and you didn't move at all. Anyone who is alive would have jumped and screamed out in pain. I can assure that without a doubt from experience."

"Well..." Harry said. "Turns out Voldemort destroyed his own Horcrux, the one he never intended to make."

"Sorry, but you've lost me, what Horcrux?"

"So, apparently when Voldemort tried to kill me when I was a baby and I didn't die, his soul got fragmented into one more piece and it attached to me. So I became a Horcrux," Harry said. He was still overwhelmed with the news. "So when he attempted to kill me, he actually destroyed his own soul, that part that got attached to me."

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