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Draco tried to do things to find her but he had gotten nowhere. Then before it got completely dark outside that day, a house-elf appeared in his room. It was Jade's. He recognized the skinny, small, delicate creature, with icy-blue eyes.

"Is Jade okay?" Draco asked, instantly. She nodded. "Where is she?"

"Ilvie doesn't know where Mistress Jade was taken," she squealed. "She told me that if anything happened to her, I should give you this."

Ilvie raised her hands, holding a whitish envelope. It wasn't signed or anything. Draco took the letter from her thin, shaking hands.

"I know I'm not your master but if you know anything about Jade, please tell me as soon as you can, I want to save her and I know you do too. You know that whatever happened to her, it's not okay. She gave you this letter because she knew something was coming and she was preparing for it. So, if you can find out her whereabouts or anything, please tell me." Ilvie nodded at him, he could see that her eyes watered, Jade was kind to Ilvie and cared about her, and she cared about Jade.

"Ilvie has to go now."

Ilvie vanished with a pop. Draco wanted to read the letter but instead, put it inside his pocket and apparated to the Weasley's. They seemed busy and frustrated.

"Her uncle confirmed she was kidnapped by her father so she can marry Cassius," Draco told them without even greeting them, they didn't even look up to see him, just kept doing whatever they were doing. "She's getting married in two days."

Draco felt so weird saying what he was saying, how can a parent kidnap their own child? He couldn't comprehend it. He knew Finley was a bit radical and strict and his beliefs about Voldemort and Pure-Bloods were too strong but he never believed he would be capable of doing such a thing.

"And I thought our family was crazy," Fred said as he glanced quickly at Draco. "We haven't found anything yet. No one knows anything."

"What?" A third voice roared from a corner. Draco turned to look to his left. "Is Jade marrying Perseus? But she said she was running away before that happened."

"So you knew?" George asked, shocked.

Ron Weasley got out of the wardrobe and looked angry and desperate. His face was as red as his hair. Draco was shocked to see him there. The rumour was that he was gravely ill at home.

"Of course I knew! She told me all about that Pureblood bullshit," Ron said outraged. "Is that why you were so busy? Why didn't you tell me? You know she is my friend! One of my best friends, in fact!"

"It was confidential," George said with a shrug. At those words, Draco knew he didn't make a mistake by trusting the twins, knowing they didn't even tell their younger brother about it. "Now you know, though."

"Isn't Jade sixteen though? Can she actually marry someone being underage?"

"You knew that as well?" Fred asked.

"She told us when we took Apparition lessons and explained she was still underage so she couldn't take them. Anyway, can she do it? Isn't it illegal?"

"Well, the parents must sign some documents to allow anyone underage to marry, but since her father is actually the one who is forcing her, that won't be a problem, will it?" Draco said. He felt how his blood started to boil again. "How do we find her, though?"

"We are working on it," Fred said.

"Doesn't your parents or any of your relatives know the location?" George asked.

"Apparently they will be notified of where to go an hour before the wedding," Draco told them.

"That won't be enough time and by the time we get there, there will be so many more people. We must get there before all those people arrive!" Ron said frustrated. "What about Perseus? He must know!"

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