|Chapter Seventy nine : Tornado Threats|

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"It's not true is it?" I asked breathlessly after running up to mum in the great hall the next morning with Pansy's copy of the Prophet tucked  tightly under my arm as she looked up at me from where she was stabbing at her slice of toast at the head table as she nodded glumly

"The pitch was torn apart, everything was destroyed, I've had to write to Terri to see if she can send me new robes"

"What do you mean? What's happened to them?"

"Burned and destroyed, like everything else"

"You have to be joking"

"I'm not"

"It's not true about Juno though, is it? She's alright isn't she?" I asked quickly, the team's mascot lingering in my mind as I raised my eyebrows and frantically waited on an answer

"I'm sorry Amelia" She said to me quietly as she glanced up at me and I felt my eyes prick with tears, shaking my head slightly

"But I thought she was safe in that cage, I thought-"

"We all thought that too-"

"But what about the eggs? They aren't damaged are they?"

"No, somehow they're unscathed, I've got them in my quarters surrounded by heat lamps"

"Can I come up and see them later?" I asked with a slight hint of desperation to my voice as she nodded and a weak smile crossed my face and I watched her glance at the newspaper I had as I moved it and quickly unfolded it

"Pansy gave me her copy- you've got to see it" I said as she took it from me confused as she scanned the headline

Magpies and Tornados at War

"There's more to come" - threat coming from the Tornados, aimed towards the Magpie team

I watched her read over it a couple of times while I kept my eyes on her as she lifted her head when another bundle came running over towards us and I turned around and watched as Oscar almost fell as he scrambled up beside me making me give him an unimpressed look before I turned to mum

"What's going to happen?"

"I don't know Amelia, I really don't"

"How do you think the rest of the team are going to react when they see this?" Oscar asked, looking between the two of us as I tried to restrain myself from rolling my eyes

"They're going to present a bouquet of roses to the Tornados as a thank you for the threats they're now making"

"Are they?" He asked sincerely as I rubbed my face and sent him a look as mum tried her best not to laugh

"No Oscar, we're not, we'll probably just settle it like adults-"

"Do you mean by duelling?"

"Oh my god please-"

"Dibs on being your second!"

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