|Chapter forty eight : Fan Clubs|

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"Another quidditch win!"

"What can I say ladies? I'm the best"

"Smug cunt"

"Yep, that's me alright"

"Wait. Why did you call us ladies?" Miles asked confused as I continued laughing while we walked into the common room, met by a surge of noise as my grin continued to grow and I felt an arm around me as I was hoisted up, sitting on Adrian's and Miles' shoulders as I gripped onto the two of them tightly as I started laughing

"What the fuck are you two doing?!"

"Celebrating our quidditch win clearly"

"Wait, I'm confused. Which of you are actually in charge of your little group? Or gang as you might call it?" Adrian asked as he looked at me after seeing the girls coming over

"Usually just whoever screams the loudest"

"And you say you're all sophisticated"

"Yes. Because we are" I told Blaise laughing as he grabbed my ankle and hauled me down as I let out a shriek, toppling on top of him as I grabbed him laughing as I was dragged back, getting spun around and shaken by my shoulders

"You were amazing!"

"Stop fucking shaking me!" I shouted back at Pansy as she let go of me with a grin on her face as a bottle of butter beer was pressed into my hands and I was pulled down onto the couch.

"I challenge you" turning around a couple of hours later I laughed at the sight of Pansy on Blaise's shoulders as she jabbed her hands at me, as if they were claws as I looked to Miles who was grinning at me as I turned back to her

"You're on" I told her with a smirk as she let out a laugh as I stood up on the couch as Miles shuffled to the edge

"Do you care if I sit on your shoulders?"

"Not at all, go for it. We're going to win, right?"

"What sort of question is that? Of course we are!" I laughed as I sat on his shoulders and he stood up slowly

"You good?"

"I'm good. Are you?"

"Yeah, lets fucking do this. You're going down Parkinson!"

"Come at me Black" she shot back at me with a grin as Miles ran at the two and I grabbed Pansy's shoulders as she done the same and we tried to shove each other off. Watching her move her hands away after a minute or so I felt a sharp jab at my side as I let out a shout, jumping as I gripped at Miles with a hand, slapping Pansy across the face with the other as I started laughing loudly before quickly shoving her as she and Blaise tumbled to the floor and I threw my arms up into the air in triumph

"Can't beat us assholes!"

"You slapped me!"

"You buzzed me!" I said back to her loudly as we both laughed and I dropped down from Miles' shoulders as I high fived him before he disappeared down to his dorm a couple of moments later and I walked over to Pansy who was still lying on the ground dramatically

"Need a help up there hen?"

"No it's fine, just let me rot-"

"Not going to happen-"


"Really" I grinned as I grabbed her hand and hauled her up as she smiled at me as I felt eyes on my back and turned around, staring back at Malfoy who was glowering at me

"You act like children"

"So? At least we aren't stuck up snobs like you"

"At least I don't associate myself with mudbloods" staring at him I watched as he stared at Pansy as I turned to her before looking back to him as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders

"Draco not this again-"

"Again? Oh hold up just a minute. You know fine damn well that I'm a half blood. And you've been talking about me to Pansy? Well why didn't you tell me you were starting up your own little fan club?" I asked, hearing a slight snarl to my voice as he stood up briskly and I watched as he strode to the stairwell going down to boys dorm as he slammed the door behind him loudly as I started laughing

"His male ego doesn't know what to do!"

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