|Chapter thirty one : Hexes|

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"Do you believe in God, Daphne?" Blaise asked Daphne as I blasted Pansy off of her feet with a grin as she tried to get up

"I believe in hell. I'm in it right now"

"Good choice"

"I heard that!" I said to the two loudly as Pansy managed to get herself back to her feet, dusting herself off as she looked at them

"So did I!"


"So I agree!"

"Me too!"

"Oh be quiet and go back to hexing each other"

"We will"

"But not because you told us to" I told the two with a grin as I flicked my wand

"Everte Statum!" Watching her get blasted backwards and land with a thud I clapped myself on the back as she let out a groan

"You alright?"

"You bastard that hurt-"

"Yeah she's fine"

"Amelia, that's an advanced spell"

"Not really. It's easy to cast" I laughed as I helped Pansy to her feet and she rubbed the bottom of her back with a look of pain


"It's fine. I asked for it"

"When you offered a duel? Yes you did" I told her laughing as we walked over to the other two, away to sit down when I was stopped


"What can you do?"

"Expand please"

"Gymnastics wise"

"Oh. Shit loads"




"Child's play"

"Round off?"

"Piece Of cake"

"One handed cartwheel?"

"Oh please" I scoffed as I flicked my hair over my shoulder and we all started laughing as I slid into the box splits and they grimaced slightly, Blaise looking away with a pained look

"Thank Merlin I don't do that-"

"Good point. I don't want to hear you squealing in agony"

"So what else can you do?"

"Well, floor work I can do shit loads, an aerial for example-"

"A what?"

"You know, a cartwheel without hands"



"Go do it! I want to see!"

"You realise for me to do it I'll have to get up, right?" I asked laughing as I pushed myself to my feet, glancing around the empty common room as I slipped my jumper off and chucked it at Blaise as I cleared some space and tightened my ponytail. Standing in the corner I looked at the amount of free space in front of me as I closed my eyes momentarily, running a few paces before pretty much flipping, stumbling ever so slightly on the landing as they started clapping and I let out a laugh, a relieved look crossing my face as I went to sit down just as Daphne got up and I was dragged over to a wall

"What's happening?"

"I want to see who can do a handstand for the longest. Three.. two... one.. go" she told me as I sighed, taking a step back before going onto my hands as I kicked my feet up against the wall as she done it at the same time as I grinned at the two who were staring at us, everything upside down and giving a slightly uneasy feeling at the abnormal sight. With a couple of minutes passing I watched Daphne push herself onto the floor as I let out a laugh


"Oh shut up. You won't last much longer" she scoffed as I raised my eyebrows at her, slowly raising my left hand from the floor I raised it to point at her as she stared at me wide eyed as I flicked her the middle finger, the other two laughing as I grinned at her

"Want a bet you cunt?" I asked laughing as she stared at me, a smirk on her face as minutes passed and I felt my arm start to shake as I eventually came down and stood up as I dusted my hands off and patted her back

"Don't get bothered Daph, I'll let you beat me. One day" I grinned at her as she nudged my side as I winked at her amused as we walked over to the other two

"How come you didn't do it Pans?"

"I can't even touch my toes let alone do a handstand" she told me as I started laughing, high-fiving her as I nodded in approval

"Good answer"

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