|Chapter forty seven : Laughter|

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"Hey, Lia? What's this?"

"Oh it's just a list of things I'm missing; lip balm, shampoo, more chocolate. Anything I don't have" I shrugged to Blaise quietly as he stared at the piece of parchment before turning to me

"Why... why does it have 'sanity' written on it?" He asked quietly as I lifted my head, turning my head to him slowly and silently as I blinked at him, watching as he started laughing causing a smile to break out on my face

"Bloody hell you worry me at points"

"Awh thanks Blaise I love you too"

"I can't believe there's only a couple of months left of school"

"I know, remember we've got end of year tests coming up as well" I told him as I turned to him on my desk chair, watching as he flopped down onto my bed with a groan

"Don't remind me"

"Too late-"

"Will you help me revise?"

"Of course-"

"Thank Merlin-"

"Theodore asked me the same thing" I told him, watching as he lifted his head with a confused and surprised look

"He did?"

"Yeah. Came up to me yesterday, he said it's only really history of magic, charms and astronomy"

"Hmm" he muttered, flopping back down as I looked at him confused

"Hmm? What do you mean by 'Hmm?'"

"I don't like that"

"Like what?" I asked confused as he pushed himself up, leaning on his elbows to look at me

"I mean it just doesn't seem right. Don't take this the wrong way, but, he randomly appears out of nowhere after avoiding you and staring at you and wants to be your friend-?"

"Hang on- he's been staring at me?!"

"Yes but not important-"


"Let me carry on please Amelia" he sighed as he waved his hand slightly, as if brushing the situation off as I let out a laugh while a smirk formed on his face

"I swear. He's got it for you"

"Excuse me?"

"Won't be long before the two of you are dating-"

"Just because I find him cute doesn't mean the two of us will end up dating-"

"Ah, Yes, But if you could only see the- Wait, what?"


"Did you say you found him cute?!" He asked loudly as I shook my head furiously, slightly pink as he started laughing, pointing at me hysterically

"Do you have a crush on him?!"

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