|Chapter 124 : Breaking Out|

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"Muggles tend to say: 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'"

"An apple a day keeps everyone away if you throw it hard enough"

"You're just so unbelievably hopeless-"

"He's not wrong though, is he?" I asked Adam tiredly as I walked into the kitchen one morning, nearing the end of July as I peered out the window, finding mum and Oscar marking out a large rectangle in a patch of grass near the back of the garden for the pool we were supposed to be getting as I turned and looked between him and Ali

"I never said he was did I? If anything he's right"

"Me? Being right about something in your opinion? Christ, that's a first" Ali muttered as I turned and smiled at him before looking out of the window, finding Liz, the family owl flying in the direction of the house as I opened the kitchen window for her coming in as I went and took a plate from out of the cupboard

"Nadia said something about there being a parcel for you in your room for Monday night"

"Ugh, I swear to Merlin if she tries to make me wear a dress I'm going to scream-"

"Yes well don't scream at me. Is that plate of pancakes for me?" Adam asked laughing as I shrugged, giving Liz a few treats while taking what she had from her as she flew off and I started separating letters into piles while passing the plate behind me to him

"Thanks Lia"



"Could you pass me a mug?"

"Here" holding the mug out to Ali I heard him stand up as I moved the last letter from on top of The Daily Prophet. Feeling the mug fall from my slack hand it smashed on the floor as I stared at the newspaper

"Amelia? What the hell? I would prefer to drink from a cup that was intact, you know"

"Oh be quiet, Ali. It's easily fixed- reparo! See?"

"That's not my point- she almost dropped it on my toes!"


"Mum!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I whipped my head up to the window as she turned and peered at me as I grabbed the newspaper, yanking the back door open as I sped out barefooted

"What's happened-?"

"We have a problem" I told her as I passed her the paper and she looked at the front page, staring at it blankly before she looked at me before disapparating as Oscar looked at me while Holly came over to us, reaching our side as the other two peered at us confused from the kitchen window

"What was that all about?"

"Sirius broke out of Azkaban"

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