|Chapter three: Stuck|

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"You're a right idiot you know that right?" Pansy asked me amused as I sat on the steps, my leg stuck in the trick step as I stared at her annoyed

"Yes, I do, but are you going to help me or not?"

"Soon- it's too funny right now though" she said to me laughing as I pulled my book out of my bag and tossed it at her with a growing smirk as she chucked it back at me and I caught it quickly

"Please help me Pansy-"

"Ah! Miss Black!" Two voices said from behind Pansy as I smiled and she stepped to the side and the two red heads came into view as she looked at them with a slight scowl as they walked past her and looked at me

"Stuck in the old trick step I see" Fred said smirking as I sighed

"Unfortunately- care to help?"

"I don't know- should we Georgie? I mean, she is a Slytherin..."

"I'm not sure Freddie- Gryffindors and Slytherins don't get along"

"Yeah but you two love me" I smirked and flicked my hair over my shoulder laughing as the two came forward

"I guess we should- or our mother and Cedric will be onto us" they said at the same time as they each grabbed an arm and hauled me out and away from the step as Pansy stood against the banister with my bag in hand

"So how come we got your sister and not you?"

"Because we're different people- I was sorted into Slytherin and it's where I belong"

"Yes but you both look exactly alike-"

"We look nothing alike" I corrected them as they stared at me

"Nothing" I repeated as they continued to stare at me

"Sure- anyway, we've got her for quidditch, although it would've been good for both of you. What position do you play again?"

"Chaser and seeker- go between the two. Occasionally beater when I can be bothered. Also, bold of you to assume that Holly plays quidditch" I said shrugging as I slipped away from them both and walked over to Pansy as we started making our way down the stairs

"You play beater?" Fred asked surprised as I turned around and stared at him

"Yes, I do. And I can guarantee I have more muscles than the two of you"


"Try me" I said smirking as Fred started walking down the stairs but stopped as George grabbed him and said something quietly to him and I watched amused as his eyes widened and turned to me

"Maybe later"

"That means never- anyway! Thank you, both of you but we must be going" I said before turning around and we walked away from them, her passing me my bag as I slung it over my shoulder and we made our way towards the common room

"How do you know them?"

"We all grew up together" I told her as we walked into the busy common room

"Ah look, rat boy" I said as I pointed to the blond kid in the corner of the room who sat there with a cold look as she snorted from beside me

"You ought to be nicer"

"I am being nice" I told her laughing as she sent me a look and we walked towards our dorm as I looked down at my bag and searched through it as we walked and looked up as I walked into someone and tumbled back, my arm quickly getting grabbed as I looked up, meeting a pair of dark brown eyes as I was steadied

"Sorry about that. Are you alright?"

"You shouldn't say sorry; it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going- but yeah I'm fine. Thank you for not letting me fall though, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you didn't do me any harm. I don't think we've met..."

"I don't think so either. Amelia Black" I introduced myself and shook his hand as he gave a smile

"Blaise Zabini- it's good to meet you. I'll see you around" he smiled before walking off as he made his way over to Malfoy while I followed Pansy down to the dorms

"He's nice" I said as soon as the door closed and she let out a laugh as Daphne and Millicent gave us a look

"She's just met Blaise" she told them as they nodded while Millicent turned to me

"How have you only now met Blaise?"

"I didn't even know who he was. I walked into him" I laughed as I put my stuff down onto my bed and dropped down

"Literally" Pansy snorted as I sent a smile her way

"I feel like there is going to be years of friendly bullying between us"

"There's always bullying with Pansy"

"Why thank you Millicent for those words of consolidation"

"Is that the right word to use right now?"

"I don't even know- I thought it made me sound smart" Pansy admitted laughing as I sat there with a smile on my face before getting up as I started writing a letter

*Published ~ 06/06/20*

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