|Chapter four: Quidditch|

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Walking out of potions again after the double on Friday I sighed in relief, knowing that we had the afternoon off

"I guess we're lucky we have Snape as our head of house" Pansy said as me and Daphne turned to her

"How so?"

"Well he favours us doesn't he? Or well he favours you and Draco at least" she said laughing as I gave her a small smile

"I think it was because I knew what I was doing"

"Or it's because you're a Slytherin" Daphne pointed out as the three of us laughed as we headed to the hall for lunch.

"I really don't want to go to flying lessons" she grumbled as I turned to her

"What? Why?! Flying is amazing!"

"I don't trust myself on a broomstick- I take it you have experience though"

"Of course she does-"

"Of course I do" I agreed as I tried to keep a straight face but started laughing pretty quickly as the seat beside me was taken

"Alright Blaise?" I asked the boy, having met him in the common room as I glanced at the boy while he turned to me, black skin with dark brown eyes as he looked at me with a longish face and high cheekbones before offering a smile

"I am, are you?"

"I'm great- we're talking about the flying lessons. You're looking forward to it right?" I asked him with raised eyebrows as he smirked slightly

"I can tell you are, I feel the same if I'm honest. The only bad thing is that we've got it with the Gryffindors" he said quietly while throwing a disgusted look over to them as I pinged the back of his head

"Be nice-"

"I am being nice" he cut across me with raised eyebrows as I snorted

"Of course you are" I laughed before grabbing a sandwich off of a floating platter

"How on earth do you put up with him? How have you not punched him yet?" I asked Blaise quietly with a hint of ludicrousness as I looked at Malfoy in distaste with a small glare as he gloated about more sweets his parents had sent that morning

"Out of the three Malfoys I have met the only person I get along with is his mother- she's so nice to me yet he's a fucking pain in my arse"

"He's not that bad of a person Amelia. Sure he can come off as an arrogant prat-"

"That's because he is"

"Be nice Amelia"

"Oh trust me. I am being nice" I told him with a hollow laugh as he stared at me

"Like I was saying: he can come off as an arrogant prat but he isn't always one. He's a different person when he wants to be" he carried on as I scoffed while Blaise ladled soup into his bowl before putting some in mine

"Seems like he never wants to be" I said to him as I tried a small bit of soup and gagged

"It's lentil"

"Do you not like it?" He asked surprised as I quickly shook my head and passed him my bowl as he smiled and tipped it into his

"More for me then"

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