|Chapter two: Dorm |

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Following the prefects down several flights of stairs we slowly started to descend lower and lower into the castle as a cold feeling slowly started spreading over me causing goosebumps to erupt over my skin. We stopped as we appeared in front of a blank stretch of wall. A feeling of slight fear and guilt swirling in my stomach as my mothers disappointed voice rang in my ears after I imagined telling her about my Sorting

"This is the entrance to the Slytherin common room. There isn't any fancy question or a rhythm to tap, all you have to say is the password. It usually changes every few weeks or so" the prefect explained with a kind smile on her face as she turned around to the wall

"Salazar" she said loudly as the bricks slowly started to shift and separate as a doorway appeared and we slipped through it and stared at the room in awe. Black leather couches and armchairs littered around the room with an elegant silver and black fireplace at the wall while grey tiling covered the floor as emerald drapes concealed the walls with glittering glass windows, only one showing the dark sky outside, all the others giving a view into the lake as I glanced to the corner of the room, half hidden against the wall was a jet black piano as my eyes lit up.

"Girls dorms are on the left and boys are on the right, you'll be able to find your dorm pretty easily. Make sure you're all up on time in the morning but for now go and get some rest" the guy smiled as we all slugged off towards our dorms. I walked down the cold steps as multiple pairs of feet pounded off the floor sending the noise echoing across the walls, the girl in front pushed open the fourth door down as we all walked in, as soon as the door was shut she turned to us all as I sat on the bed where my trunk was, thankfully the furthest one from the door with a window where the water rippled against the glass.

"Who here's a pureblood?" She asked loudly, her small eyes piercing the three of us that had claimed our beds while the two rose their hand along with her as her eyes landed on me with a slight scowl on her face

"What's your blood status?"

"Half-blood" I told her while she shrugged with a small smile

"Good enough. Well anyway, my names Millicent Bulstrode" she introduced herself as she pushed her brown hair over her shoulders

"Daphne Greengrass" the girl to my left said as I turned and looked at her, light blonde hair ran down her back as she looked at us all with a small face with a pair of dark green eyes

"Pansy Parkinson" the girl on my right said as I turned to look at her too, shoulder length dark brown which looked almost black in the dark with a pair of light brown eyes. Soon all three pairs of eyes turned to me

"Amelia Black" I said as their eyes widened

"Black?! As in, the Black family?" Daphne asked with a mix of shock and surprise as I nodded

"My mother isn't part of the Black family though. Her names Nadia. Nadia Sampson, or well was, it's Black now" I told them smiling as pride welled in my chest as their jaws dropped

"The seeker for the Magpies? I love that team" Pansy said happily after I had nodded as I laughed with her slightly

"That is pretty awesome" Millicent said with a small smile as she sat on her bed

"Anyway. Enough about me, what about you guys?" I asked smiling as an hour or so passed and each of them started telling us a bit about their lives. Awhile later we finally turned the lights out as my eyes had turned hooded the moment my head hit the pillow.

Sorting my robes the next morning I smiled after adjusting my high ponytail as I looked in the mirror before picking up my bag as I left the bathroom meeting up with Pansy

"You know, I never thought I would suit green" I said honestly as she snorted at me and we made our way up the school with smiles on our faces as we sat down at the table and I helped myself to a bowl of porridge

"You like porridge?"

"I love it! Do you like it?" I asked her as she shook her head and pulled a face at my bowl making me snort into my goblet while our timetables floated towards us and I glanced up, meeting Holly's eyes as I gave her a small smile and she tried to give me one back as I turned to Pansy

"Potions first" she said as the seats opposite us were filled in as we scanned both our timetables

"Every class together" she said smiling as I laughed

"Poor you. Having to put up with me"

"I know, every lesson, every day and even the same room! What ever shall I do?!" She asked loudly as I rolled my eyes while the two of us laughed

"Well lets go then" I sighed as I picked my bag up as she followed me out the hall and back down to the dungeons. Standing outside with the rest of our year we watched as a man with greasy black hair and a long nose briskly walked down the corridor with his robes billowing behind him as I turned to Pansy

"Snazzy" I whispered to her making her snort as I grinned at her reaction and we made our way into the room trying to contain our smiles.

Walking out afterwords I let out a yawn as I held my books to my chest and felt myself being forcefully barged as my books went flying

"Watch where you're going!" A cold voice said loudly as I picked my books up scowling while I looked to the pale face of a blond haired boy with cold grey eyes, recognising him as the boy that sat behind me and Pansy

"You watch where you're going! You're the one that walked into me!" I said annoyed as Pansy whispered in my ear

"What're you doing?! That's Draco Malfoy you idiot!"

"I don't care who he is he needs to learn not to be an arrogant rat" I said to her as I glared at him while she grabbed my arm and hauled me out of the dungeon corridors

*Published ~ 06/06/20*

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