|Chapter twenty two : Quidditch Defeat|

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"I still can't believe you got thirty points for a N.E.W.T level potion but Snape has only set you work a year up from what we're doing"

"Millicent, this happened weeks ago"

"I know but still. I don't understand why you're doing second year work when you're capable of sixth year stuff-"

"I suppose he doesn't want me getting ahead of myself or something- good luck today!" I said to the Slytherin team, grinning as I passed them as they nodded, trying their best to smile as we sat down and I instantly grabbed a sandwich, lunch being served early as I wrapped my Slytherin scarf around me

"You've went all out today"

"Damn right I have. Where are Pansy and Daphne?"

"Probably still in their beds, I don't think they're really wanting to come down today"

"You weren't either"

"I had mixed feelings about it, but then you dragged me from my bed"

"And here we are" I said to her quietly before the two of us shared a laugh as the bench sank down next to me and someone leant their head on my shoulder as I turned with a smile

"Good morning, Blaise"

"There's nothing good about this. What can be good about an early start?"

"Well... we get to see a quidditch game! Yay! Go Slytherin!" I cheered quietly as I watched a smile grow on his face as I patted his cheek before offering him a sandwich

"Have you seen the other two?"

"They were a couple of minutes behind- there they are" he mumbled as I glanced up, watching as the two dumped down opposite us with an unhappy look as I started laughing

"You all need to cheer up. We're going to a quidditch match!"

"You're only happy because you love quidditch"

"I mean.... yeah" I muttered quietly as we all shared a laugh, Blaise sitting up as we headed down awhile later as we made our way to the stands


"We lost. We actually lost"

"It was just because Harry was on the team-" I said to Daphne as she continued to walk with a look of disbelief on her face as Pansy made an outburst as we walked through the slightly busy halls

"First years aren't allowed on the team though! That's not fair for us!" She said loudly as a smile crossed my face, my robes hidden in the changing room as I shook my head amused

"We're still a good team. Am I the only one that noticed that the Gryffindor chasers only go for the middle and left hoop? And then Miles rarely actually defends the left because he keeps expecting them to go for the right one in a surprise attack"

"How do you notice these things?"

"Why do you notice these things?"

"How do you know their names?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Yikes that changed quickly" I murmured as the four of them started laughing

"Pansy, there's too much wrong with me. Daphne, I was watching. Millicent, I want to let them know about what they do and don't do. And remember Blaise, I've been with Miles a couple of times talking with him about trying out for the team next year-"

"As if you could make the team, Black"

"What? And you think you could?" I asked after turning around in the potions corridor as I stared at Malfoy, again, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle

"I could make the team before you can click your fingers"

"I know I can make the team, unlike you"

"And what makes you think that?"

"I'm a Malfoy. I get what I want-"

"Your family doesn't give you an advantage. Just because your family may be respected doesn't mean you'll get onto the school quidditch team, to make the team you need to have skill and actually be able to play the game, not just strut around with an inflated head that goes along with your overly large ego" I told him with a blank look before turning around as we started walking down towards the common room again as a spell flew by my head

"Wow, your aim really is pathetic. Petrificus Totalus!" Spinning around with my wand drawn I watched as it hit him square in the chest as a smug grin grew on my face as I tucked my wand away

"To attack someone when their back is turned is cowardly. At least look them in the eye, don't stare at the back of their head-"

"Detention, Miss Black-"

"Gladly. It was worth it" I said with a smirk as I walked with the others as Daphne smacked the backside of my head

"Another detention!"

"Oh so what, Daphne? That was the funniest thing I have ever seen"

"You're not meant to find it funny!"

"Daphne, you sound like an overprotective mother-"

"Exactly. Don't take Blaise's job"

"Screw you, Amelia"

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