|Chapter 192 : Lupin Secretely Approves|

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Walking up the stairs I tried to sort the strap of my bag as I stopped, fumbling with it as I was shoved, almost tripping as I whipped around, looking at the group of Ravenclaws that were walking past, sending dirty looks and one wiping her hand on her skirt

"Disgusting, my hand touched the skank-"

"I didn't realise you had been laying your hands on Cara, Ashley"

"You disgust me Lucas, no wonder your parents are ashamed of you, associating yourself with her"

"I think they'd be more ashamed of me if I associated myself with people like you" Lucas said to the group as they scowled at him, strutting off with looks as I watched him get closer, a smile growing on his face as he reached my side

"Well if it isn't the infamous Amelia Black"

"Thank you Lucas"

"Don't bother, I never liked her anyway, she's always been a complete cow" he scoffed as I gave a small smile and we started walking up the stairs

"So how're you?"

"I don't have an answer for that"

"I'm not surprised, after yesterday morning anyway"

"You don't have to remind me" I muttered back just as quietly as we climbed up another set of stairs, looking up to the top where Draco and Blaise were standing next to each other, watching us walk up as he turned to me with a smile

"Anyway, what have you got then?"

"I'm heading to Lupin, you?"

"McGonagall. You aren't coming today?"

"No, I was told I didn't have to"

"Oh, right. Well that'll be another flight of lonely stairs for me then-"

"Have fun with that-"

"I guarantee I won't" he laughed as I looked at him with a smile, waving to each other as I walked with the other two down the corridor towards the classroom

"Was he bothering you?"


"Mocking you?"

"No, he's the only nice Ravenclaw" I told them quietly, smiling slightly as I sat down next to Draco, Blaise in front of us as I pulled my book out as Lupin stood up from his desk with a smile

"I need a volunteer" He said to us all as everyone stayed still and silent as he looked around to everyone, eyes travelling around the room



"Can you stand up please?"

"Why the fuck is it always me?" I asked Draco, my voice lowered as he looked at me amused before I got up and moved away from my chair, standing in between the middle of the rows of tables as I looked at him

"Pick someone"


"Anyone, anyone at all"

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