|Chapter 167 : Choices|

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"Oh my god... Pansy?!" I shouted as I stumbled into the common room, laden with bags with my face pink as she stood up from where she was sitting with Blaise and Thalia as I nodded to the dorm and I ran down, dumping my bags as she came in a moment after


"Oh my god!"


"He was wearing a leather jacket.... skinny jeans..... and he has a fucking lip piercing! It's like, a little gold ring on the left side of his bottom lip and oh my god he looked fucking gorgeous!" I told her with a sigh as I dropped backwards onto my bed, staring up at my drapes as I rubbed my cheeks and looked at her as she leant against the door with a smirk

"Oh jeez...."

"You kissed him, didn't you?-"

"No, but I was damn fucking near it!" I told her laughing as she walked over and sat down next to me as I grabbed her hand and squeezed it with a grin

"Did he ask you out again?"

"He said he wanted to but couldn't-"

"What?! How?!"

"Because he said he didn't want to risk it, with Davies and all of that. So I said, yeah, that's fine because I understood obviously and... well... yeah...." I told her as she started laughing and my face grew warm while I pushed myself up while slipping the bags away after she had tried to look in them

"Christmas presents: you aren't getting to see them-"

"Fine, fine. Did he help you pick them?"

"Some of them, yes...."

"You know, Theodore was quizzing me about where you were going"


"Yeah, he wanted to know as to why you weren't going to be with us. And who you were going to be with" she told me as a smile grew on my face as she shuffled over slightly and looked at me

"You really do like him, don't you?"

"I do...."

"But, you have an amazing Ravenclaw giving you attention and showing interest in you as you show it back. But here you are, going between the two-"

"I know, and I feel fucking awful about it"


"Because I've always liked Theodore, yet, here I am going and spending time with Lucas just because he's showing the slightest bit of-"

"That's no reason to feel awful. You shouldn't be feeling awful at all. I'm pretty positive Theodore does like you. It's just Lucas had the balls to act up and say something, so don't you go feeling shitty because Nott doesn't have the guts to tell you that he likes you" she told me, giving me grin as I laughed at her slightly

"You're a numpty-"

"I know, but you love me"

"I do. Thank you"

"No problem. So what would you do if one of them asked you out?"

"Say yes, obviously"

"Who would you pick? If they both asked I mean"

"Honestly? Probably Theodore-"

"You'd fucking what?!"


"Jesus fucking Christ, Amelia. I have lost so much respect for you-"


"Lucas is fucking amazing-"

"You're supposed to be supporting me. Not making me feel shitty!" I told her as we both started laughing and I shoved her gently, getting a forceful shove back as I burst out laughing again

Storms AheadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora