|Chapter thirty : Orka|

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"Where have I heard that name from before?"

"What name?"

"Macamara. I recognise it from some-"

"Ugh" I mumbled as I rolled my eyes, picking my book up again as I continued reading

"What was that all about?"

"Nothing important-"

"No! Don't say something like that then brush it off! Tell us!" Daphne whined as I dropped my book loudly and looked up to the three of them

"Will and Joyce Macamara. Will is the head of the Tornados-"

"That's where I recognise his name from!"

"And their daughter ruined my childhood career-"

"Oooooo, come on, spill-"

"What's her name?"

"Olivia" I told them with distaste, a look of hatred and disgust growing on my face as I made the imitation of being sick and I earned a laugh from them

"What did she do?"

"Ruined my chance of national and possibly even international success. Purposely injured me during a competition"

"What sort of competition?"

"Don't tell anyone else, please"

"We won't-"

".... I used to do gymnastics" I mumbled as I looked up to them as they stared at me blankly before shrugging, Pansy letting out a laugh

"I'm sorry, but I was so waiting for you to say something like ballet and you started smashing ballerinas heads against that pole thing you hold onto" she laughed as a smile grew on my face and I shook my head amused

"Anyway. So what did you do?"

"Still ended up beating her in the end. I couldn't compete anymore and was forced to give it up. But then I took up another type of sport"

"Like what?"

"I'm only saying that it's more violent-"

"More violent than smashing other kids' heads?" Daphne asked laughing as she threw a look to Pansy and I smirked at her, hands landing on my shoulder as I spoke to her before turning around

"I'm not answering that. Hello Cedric"


"How dare you. I'm Amelia" I told him coldly as he sat down next to me with a grin

"I know you are-"

"So what can I do for you?"

"Overheard two people talking about you"

"Expand please"

"Bletchley and Pucey"

"Eh... do you know why? Or what they were saying?"

"No, I was sitting studying in the library-"

"Cover story for being half asleep you mean-"

"Yes but no. Yeah well, they were passing and I heard them saying your name. I know it was nothing bad though"

"Oh, okay. Thank you"

"I also passed Holly who was speaking Orka-"

"Speaking what?"

"Orka" I told Pansy laughing as I tucked my book away in my bag

"What the hell is that?"

"It's the language me and Holly made when we were younger so we could talk about Oscar without him knowing" I laughed as they continued to stare at us as I poked Cedric's side for something to do as I grinned up at him


"How old were you?"

"Like seven or eight, something like that"

"Seven or eight years old and you made a whole language?!"


"Can you teach us?"


"Well if you don't teach us can you at least describe us?" Daphne asked as I nodded, hiding my smirk as I pointed to them all

"Naravinas, Sarcenada oto Bruaton" I said to them, pointing to Millicent, Daphne and then Pansy as I laughed, looking at Cedric as he shook his head at me and they stared at me confused

"What did you-?"

"Millicent, I called you a twat. Daphne, you a prick. And Pansy, I called you an asshat"

"For fucks sake-"

"Mood boost-"

"Yes we love you too Amelia"

"I know" I grinned as I stood up with my bag over my shoulder as I looked to them

"Well, I'll see you all later. Cedric, I love you-"

"What about us?!"

"You cut me off before I could finish-"


"Oh indeed. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go" I told them smirking before turning and walking from the hall, turning left as I started walking down to the quidditch pitch, a late practice having just been scheduled.

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