|Chapter 112 : Capability|

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"A few of the teachers have requested that you-"


"Um... well, McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape, Sprout.... a few more"

"What were they requesting?"

"That you get walked to classes-"

"I'm not a child Nathan"

"I know you're not-"

"Then you'll know that I'm more than capable of walking myself to my classes-"

"Amelia, I know you're capable of seeing yourself safe but we're just wanting to make sure that you will be safe"

"I can defend myself though-"

"I know you can"

"I can ward off people well enough. With and without magic-"

"Stop being stubborn, Amelia, please. It's not that we don't think you can't look after yourself because we know you can, we all do. It's just that the teachers- mainly me, even though I'm not a teacher- are worried that the same thing might happen to you and you might end up in the hospital wing in the same state" Nathan told me quietly after stopping as he put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me as I turned away, glancing around the dark potions corridor before he straightened up, wrapping his arm around me instead before we started walking again

"There's something else, isn't there?"

"They don't think that it's going to be best for you to carry on practicing-"

"What?! Nathan! I can't not practice!"

"I know, I know. So what I offered is that I sit out in practice with you guys, just to make sure nothing odd happens"

"But Flint holds practice at the most random times. Sometimes plans them without giving us any warning. There isn't any chance that you could be at every single one"

"I can be. If you let me know about them as soon as you find out about the times"

"But you would be constantly coming and going. You'll get tired of it"

"I won't. Because I'll be staying here, I'll be staying in your mother's quarters"

"You will be?"

"I will be. And I'll make sure that I'm not the only one here, the rest of the team will be visiting too. Frequently if they're able too"


"Really. Well, I suppose this is you here now. I'll see you outside the great hall tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah" I told him quietly as I hugged him quickly before stepping back as I disappeared into the common room, walking past the team as I headed down to my dorm. Shutting the door behind me I leant against it as I looked around the empty room before sinking down with my head in my hands



"I'm coming in"

"But I'm-"

"I know you're sitting behind the door but I'm still coming in. Whether you like it or not" Pansy told me as I stayed still before shuffling away from the door, watching it open a moment or so later as she looked about before shutting the door and sitting down next to me

"Are you alright?"

"I'm done with this year"

"What's happened?"

"Oscar. He's in the hospital wing"

"Is he alright?" She asked quietly while shuffling over next to me as I looked at her and we looked at each other for a couple of moments

"He's not...."

"Yep. Found in the Charms corridor"

"Oh god, Lia, I'm sorry"

"I don't know why you're apologising. You haven't done anything wrong"

"But I still feel the need to. At least he's going to be alright though, he'll be up and about in no time"


"Is there something else?"

"...apparently the teachers feel the need for me to be chaperoned to and from class" I mumbled as I looked at her and she stared at me before she burst out laughing and I sat up straight, staring at her with a slightly confused look

"What are you finding so-?"

"Fancy bugger. But you could so use that to your advantage. Who is it that's going to be doing it?"


"Oh. Never mind then. I don't think you'd want to be a pain in the arse to him, would you?"


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