|Chapter 119 : Drops|

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"Pansy! Hurry up!"

"My lace has came undone-"

"Nobody cares about your fucking lace! Get your arse on this train!" I shouted to her from where she stood on the platform as she jogged over and just as she made a move to step on the train I shut the door on her face laughing as she shoved it open and looked at me with a grin

"You're a bitch-"

"That's like the only insult you throw at me-"

"It's not even an insult anymore-"

"Never was in the first place. You were just calling me by my proper first name" I told her as we both started laughing, the train starting to move as we made our way down the carriage, ducking the spell that had shot out of the compartment the twins and Lee were in as I stared at them laughing before continuing to follow Pansy down the train until we got to our compartment and I slipped in

"Where are the others?"

"Oh I don't know. They aren't here so they can't claim their seats-"

"Not fast, you're last" I cut across her as we both claimed a side, lying across the seats as we looked at each other and started laughing

"Thank fuck we didn't have exams"

"I would've failed them"

"I don't think so"

"Well... history of magic... a 'T' if I ever saw one"

"Wow, same"

"Nah, if you get a 'T' in any subject then I would have of gotten negative marks-"

"I'm not sure that's possible-"

"Fucking shift it assholes-"

"Fuck off, you lot weren't here so you can't say you've lost your seats because- Zabini!" I screeched as I was hauled up and I watched as Daphne sat down with a grin before I was dropped, landing heavily on the compartment floor as I turned and stared at him as he sat down
"I hate you... so much. And it's with a burning passion-"

"I mean, we've always had a burning passion for each other. It's one of the main reasons as to why you like to fall asleep on me-"

"Oh fuck off-"

"You've fell asleep on him?!"

"Damn right she has"

"Damn right I have. I've sat on him too" I told the two as we all started laughing and I grinned at Blaise as he shook his head at me, rolling his eyes as he kicked me from where he was still sitting

"Why're you still on the floor?"

"You ask me as if I know"


Watching them all disappear off the train, I picked Lula up as I tried to wake her up, finally getting her to stir as she let out a miaow before wandering off of the train as I dragged my trunk down and picked up Chiara's cage as I started walking from the train with a strange feeling growing in my stomach. Just stepping down onto the platform, I stood upright and stopped, turning around after I had started to smell cannabis as I stared wide eyed at Miles and Adrian who were leaning against the door with bloodshot eyes as Flint stood behind them and looked at me with a shake of his head before pointing to them

"They were smoking it. Not me"

"Fucking hell. Are you two high?" I asked ludicrously as they grinned at me lazily and my eyes widened before I backed off

"I'm just going to say I'll see you two next year. See you later Flint" I said to him as he pushed the two off the train grinning as I grabbed my things and started walking again as I tried to offer a wave over my shoulder before I caught sight of Ali, talking to what looked like a fourth or fifth year with a grin as he ended the conversation and came over.

"How come its you?"

"Am I not welcome?"

"Did I say that?" I asked grinning as he started laughing before taking my trunk as I took ahold of his arm and we disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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