|Chapter 130 : Lost Belongings|

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"Je bois des pommes de terre!"

"You.... what?"

"Je bois du pain!"

"What about being in pain?"

"She's not in pain"

"Oh aye, and you're so smart as to figure out what she's saying-"

"I am"

"Enlighten us then" Nathan said to Jayden as he grinned at me and I peered at him curiously, not being able to stop the smile starting to grow

"Well, first, she said that she drinks potatoes. And then she said she drinks bread. Oui?" He asked as I grinned, looking at Adam and Nathan who still continued to sit there blankly as I turned back to him as I nodded quickly while he turned I them

"Voir? Je suis intelligente"

"You aren't"

"You don't what he said-"

"He said something about being smart! He's not! He's being smug!"

"To quote: 'see? I am smart'. And you sounded very child like with that statement" I told Nathan as he stared at me, rolling his eyes slightly as I turned to Jayden and I smiled

"Penser qu'il est un homme adulte-"

"What was that?!"

"I said 'to think he's a grown man'-"


"Arrête de leur dire ce que nous disons!"

"Oh. Right. Yeah, okay" I nodded as we both laughed before turning and smiling at the two

"We've got to go. If you're still desperate to get to the market in time-"

"Oh shit, yeah!" I hissed as I jumped up and went to the kitchen for my purse and my keys before racing back through, grabbing Adam's shoulder as he disapparated.

Landing at the back of the village I sorted my shoes quickly as I searched through my purse

"Peux-tu me prêter de l'argent?"

"How much?"

"Just a galleon and two sickles. I'll get the money back to you, I promise-"

"Don't bother. It's not that much" Jayden told me as he dropped the money into my hand as I smiled at him

"Merci. Je t'aime"


"Not French, Jayden-"

"Shush. You don't even speak French" Jayden told Adam as Nathan turned to me after looking at his watch

"You've got about an hour and a half at most before the shops start to close"

"Got it. Will I meet you guys at the fountain?"

"Probably, Yeah-"

"Wait, where are you three going?"

"To the pub-"


"Right, okay. That's fine-"

"Soyez prudent!"

"I will!" I called back to Jayden after we had walked in opposite directions, finding the street packed with stalls as I drew my wand from my back pocket and dragged it across three mono-blocks as I looked up while tucking it away, a few people looking over as I watched more items appear on stalls as I walked over, grinning as I walked to the farthest stall and a smile grew on Lucia's face as she reached for a box, a dark green velvet casing with a dark blue ribbon as she passed me it and I grinned at her

"Is this it?"

"Yep, I found it on the market a few days ago. I had to let you know. It is yours after all"

"How much?"

"Nothing. Take it. It's free, it belongs to you-"

"But I have to give you something-"

"No, it's fine-"



"Oops" I muttered as I dropped a handful of galleons onto her stall as I stepped back, watching as she picked them up frantically and held her hand out to me with her eyebrows raised

"Take it back-"

"I don't know what you're saying!"


"I don't understand you!"


"Thank you! I owe you one!" I called to her grinning as I hugged the box to my chest and continued walking away

"Lina expects to see you at tomorrow's party!"

"Okay!" I shouted as I sent her a grin and she shook her head smiling as I disappeared down a slight alley, untying the ribbon and lifting the lid as a soft smile grew on my face, gently picking up the time turner as I turned it over, a gleaming gold with three diamonds encrusted in the bottom, the Black family crest imprinted on the glass as I tucked it away carefully before tying it back up as I walked into the small village, a grin growing on my face as I sighed contently

"What're you doing here?"

"I live here, you know. I can go where I want, thank you very much- Wait, what?" I asked confused and surprised after I had turned around defiantly, staring at Draco as he stood with an amused look

"Where in the name of Merlin did you appear from? Why are you here?"

"I'm allowed to be here, you know. I can go wherever I want, thank you very much-"

"Alright, alright. No need for the mocking" I sighed with a smile as he gave me a small grin

"You're here with your mother"

"I am"

"I might go and talk to her. And embarrass you while doing so-"

"Don't even think about it"

"So what're you doing then?"

"Nothing, I wandered and came across you and-"

"And here we are"

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