|Chapter 143 : Divination|

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"I can't believe you forced me to take this class-"

"Oh come on! It'll be fun!"

"Arithmancy is fun! I want to go to Arithmancy!" I told Pansy as we walked to the north tower, having finally gotten to the top of the steps as we walked in, finding the class huddled around as we pushed past people, waking over to the other four as I raised my eyebrows


"A parcel arrived for you this morning"

"That doesn't answer my question, but thanks" I said to Theodore laughing as Daphne instantly turned to Pansy and spoke to her quickly and quietly as I turned to Theodore

"How come you took this class?"

"How come you're in a skirt?"

"Because Pansy forced me to wear a skirt, although, I do have shorts on-"

"You've got to be kidding me, Amelia-"

"Pansy, if you're going to hide my trousers, jeans and leggings I'm obviously going to wear shorts under my skirt" I told her with a grin as she shook her head at me before getting turned back around by Daphne as I looked back to Theodore and shook my head, lowering my voice

"I couldn't find the shorts I was wanting to wear. I just risked it"

"You've risked wearing a skirt?"

"Yes, that's dangerous for me-"

"Yes, well, you two can stop talking because I want my questions answered-"

"Nobody cares-"

"Shut up Nott. Lia? What actually happened with Millicent?"

"She was just being a complete bitch. There's nothing else to say, really"

"But-" getting cut off everybody turned and looked up, a trap door swinging open as a ladder slid down and everybody stared at it silently as I glanced about before scoffing

"Wimps" I said to them all while pushing past them as I reached the foot of the ladder, starting to climb up

"You're a skank, Black!"

"And you're not?" I asked Lavender as I turned my head to her and stared at her from where I had stopped on the ladder as Pansy and Daphne started laughing as I continued climbing up before pushing myself up and I stood up, coughing as I waved my arm around, the room stuffy as I quickly used my inhaler, looking to the two after they had came through

"This room is literally my nightmare. It's so... like..... just.... ugh" I muttered, pulling a disgusted face as we laughing quietly while we walked to the back, grabbing three tables as the two sat down together and I took the one in the middle, the room filling up as the pouffe next to me was taken

"Oh, hello"

"I know why you didn't want to take this class"

"I love how it hasn't even started yet but you're already agreeing with me" I muttered amused to Draco after Blaise and Theodore had sat down at the table on the other side of us as the trapdoor shut and I slipped my robe off, absolutely boiling. Hearing a 'pop' fill the room I looked at the table after a cup of tea appeared in front of both of us, a note in the centre of the table as we glanced at each other

"I'm not drinking this"

"Why not?"

"It could be drugged" I muttered as he sighed, giving me an unimpressed look as I grinned at him, watching him shake his head

"Just drink the tea"

"I was going to. First one to finish it gets a- Oh" I mumbled as he sat his cup down and I started drinking mine, gagging at the taste slightly as I finished it and stared at the mess of tea leaves in the bottom of the cup with a look of disgust

"That tastes fucking awful"

"It wasn't that bad"

"I prefer my own tea, thank you very much-"

"Welcome my children-"

"Fucking weirdo-"

"In this room you will explore the noble art of divination-"

"No I won't-

"In this room you shall discover if you possess the sight-"

"She has glasses! How could she not see that?" I asked laughing after having watched Professor Trelawney appear suddenly and then walk right into her own table as I cast a glance to Draco as he looked back at me and I tried not to laugh

"Hello, I'm Professor Trelawney..... together in this room, we'll cast ourselves into the future!" She said with a happy look on her face as she smiled at us all and I snorted in laughter quietly as I shook my head and zoned out. Lifting my head not long later, I watched as Draco swapped our cups around and nodded to me

"Come on then, what do my tea leaves say?"

"Nonsense. Just a load of murky, disgusting and dull shit. Doesn't look like you're going to have a very fulfilling life, Draco" I told him as he let out a laugh and a grin grew on my face

"I done it! I've made him laugh!"

"Stop celebrating-"

"Make me. Anyway, what do my tea leaves say? Are they as bad?"

"How am I meant to know? Do I look like the type of person that can read tea leaves?"

"You share a dorm with Blaise: you can do anything-"

"Wow. Is that meant to make me believe in myself?"

"That sounded like a very depressing statement-"

"My dear! My dear boy.... you have.... the grim!" Looking up, everyone turned as I looked at Trelawney who was staring at Harry with wide eyes as I hid my laughter, meeting Holly's eyes briefly before turning away as I lowered my voice

"Of course Potter has the grim! What doesn't he fucking have?"

"A life" Turning my head I looked at Pansy who was staring at me as a smirk grew and she started shaking with silent laughter

"You've got me there"

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