|Chapter nine: Tryouts|

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"Where are you disappearing off to?!" Pansy asked laughing as I held the small box in my hands and faced her with a grin from where she was lying on her bed

"Snape needs to talk to me"

"About potions?"

"Yeah, I'll be back soon"

"I'd hope so, I need help with my charms homework" she said as I started laughing and shook my head as I started to walk to the door

"Hang on! When did you get changed?" She asked confused, on the verge of laughing as I looked down at my grey jeans and black woollen jumper as I shrugged and left the dorm amused as I quickly left, walking through the halls with a pep in my step.

Rounding a corner I looked at the box with a grin on my face as I looked up, walking right into someone as I stumbled backwards as we both fell to the ground with a thud as a pile of books went flying

"Ah fuck. Sorry, are you alright?" I asked as I sat up and looked at the boy I had knocked over as he sat up nodding, rubbing the back of his head

"Yeah I'm fine- what about you?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine, thank you for asking- here I'll do it, it's my fault anyway" I said with a light laugh as I moved to help him stack his books back up as I passed him them when he got to his feet

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I should've been looking where I was going" I said to him with a smile as I reached to pick my box up as I turned back to him as he gave me a curious look

"You're in my charms aren't you? And Transfiguration I think"

"Yeah I think I am-"

"Aren't you in my house?" He asked confused as I knitted my eyebrows together before it dawned on me as I smiled with a shake of my head

"No that's not me, you're thinking of my sister, Holly. I'm Amelia" I introduced myself as he carefully moved a hand to shake mine

"Dean Thomas, it's great to meet you- do you know where the library is?"

"Nice to meet you too, if you head up that flight of stairs, turn left and walk down the corridor and you'll find it"

"Thanks. I'll see you around"

"See you later" I said smiling as we walked past each other and I headed towards the entrance hall, making my way outside as I took the broom out of the box and tucked it away as I enlarged it, holding it with a grin as I made my way down to the quidditch pitch, finding Flint standing with someone else who was a bit smaller with dark hair which was a bit lighter than mine as he caught sight of me and nodded to the other guy who turned towards me with a curious look

"Just on time Amelia"

"I'm always on time, for everything" I said to him laughing as I reached his side

"Miles Bletchley- He's the keeper"

"You're a bit on the small side..."

"In all fairness I'm not that much smaller than you so I'll take that as a compliment while you just remind yourself that you too, are small" I said to him amused as a grin grew on his face and he looked at Flint

"I like her already"

"Oh my god I'm liked"

"Merlin, is that a Nimbus 2000?" He asked quietly as he gawked wide eyed at my broom as I nodded with a grin as I held it out to him and he stared at me in disbelief

"It's not going to bite you, you can test it out if you want, both of you" I offered laughing as he took it and stared at it as Flint turned to me

"Just to clear things up, your mother is Nadia Black, right?"

"Yep, seeker for the Montrose Magpies" I said to him as a grin crossed his face

"I'm actually debating whether you'll even need to tryout or not- we do have a full team at the moment but not for long-"

"Wait wait wait, I don't want you to kick someone off the team just so I can have a spot, that's not fair-"

"No they won't be kicked off. Our third chaser, Johnson, is only wanting to play the first game of this year then is quitting the team after which leaves an open spot for you" he explained as I nodded and I was passed my broom back

"You'll still need to try out"

"Obviously" I said laughing as we kicked off.

Flying with the quaffle tucked tightly under my arm I gripped it before raising my hand, throwing it forward as it went soaring through the middle hoop as a grin crossed my face and I turned around to Flint who was still staring at the hoops surprised as we were motioned to the ground. Landing swiftly on my feet I turned between them as they both shared a look

"I knew you didn't need to try out" he said after a minute as I started laughing before shrinking my broom and putting it in my pocket

"Well you're on the team that's a definite, you just won't be playing the first game"

"Wait until Adrian finds out"

"Who's Adrian?"

"The last chaser, that cup's ours this year. I know it" Miles said with a grin as a smile crossed my face as he looked at his watch

"Although, we have fifteen minutes before curfew so we better be heading back"

"You'll get a chance to meet everyone else properly soon, we just have to make sure nobody finds out you're on the team"

*Published ~ 03/07/20*

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