|Chapter fifty two : Home|

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"I hate Dumbledore"

"You've been complaining constantly-"

"So?! That was meant to be our cup!"

"Oh so what Pansy? It's just a fucking house cup" Blaise groaned as I kept my head against the window, smiling at Daphne as we continued to nudge each other's feet gently, listening to the other two bicker beside us as people continued to walk past the compartment

"It was still meant to be our cup though. Dumbledore just favours Potter-"

"And Snape doesn't favour us?" I asked laughing as I finally tore my eyes away from the window and looked to them

"I mean, there was that one time where he took twenty points from us because someone decided it would be a good idea to stick their hand into their potion" Pansy muttered, shrugging her shoulders slightly as we all slowly turned to Daphne as she stared between us all

"Oh shut the fuck up that was not my bloody fault-"

"It was your hand!"

"In your potion!"

"You listened to me!"

"Shut up" she muttered quietly as her face burned and we all started laughing, her joining in after awhile as she shook her head before turning away from us

"Well at least we got the quidditch cup-"

"Thanks to someone-"

"This is my time to shine people" I sighed as I flicked my ponytail over my shoulder with a laugh

"I still say we should've got the house cup as well-"

"Do you know what your problem is? You can't-"

"Say no to people because I want everyone to like me" Pansy cut across Blaise instantly with a smile as we all turned to her, Daphne lifting her head as she stared at her ludicrously

"You want everyone to like you?"

"Yeah, why? Does someone not like me?"

"... don't make us answer that" she mumbled as Pansy stared between us all as we all turned away, listening as the start of her sentence was cut off as the compartment door slid open, all of us turning to the trolley witch who stood there with a smile as I jumped up, fishing my money out of my pocket as I looked to them

"You guys want anything?"

"No thanks-"

"I'll get my own-"

"No you won't, sit back down Daphne. Can I get, two boxes of fudge flies, three chocolate frogs, two pumpkin pasties and a box of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans and a liquorice wand please?" Handing the exact amount over I smiled before dumping them down onto the seat between me and Blaise as she disappeared and I shut the door with a box of fudge flies tightly in my hands

"Thank you!"

"We love you"

"I know" I laughed before dumping myself down as Pansy blew me a kiss and I winked at her with a laugh

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