||Chapter XVII: The Return Of Kanan Syndulla-Jarrus||

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||DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Wars Rebels nor Star Wars itself and its characters! All of that belongs to Dave Filoni and his team, Lucasfilm, and Disney||

-Third POV-

When Kanan woke up and realized that he had his conscious again, he was covered in a white sheet. It felt like he was being moved and that was until he looked down and saw legs moving. He really was alive this whole time! 

Kanan touched the white sheet and got it off of him while the nurses who were transporting him were shocked that he was alive. Kanan stumbled to the ground but looked at everyone around him, as they were shocked as well. He also heard them whisper and mumble about him. He got off the ground and shrugged.

"I'm still alive?" Kanan said, as people started celebrating. Somebody must've called the news because there were news reporters everywhere. At first, they didn't believe the person that called but that was until they went to the hospital. 

Kanan's recovery was on all news channels. It was even on radio stations. All of this happened at '9am' in the morning. Kanan was later interviewed by Norah O'Donnell, who is of course well known of 'CBS Evening News' on CBS

Kanan called an Uber since he didn't know where his car was so he told the Uber driver to go to his house where Jacen and Hera would be at. When Kanan went up to the door, he knocked on it and Jacen opened it. Jacen was so shocked yet confused.

"Dad? Is that you?" Jacen asked, as Chopper ran to the door and jumped on Kanan, licking his hand. While that happened, Hera went to the door.

"Jacen, I didn't hear the door close. Who is..." Hera abruptly stopped her sentence the moment she saw Kanan. Sure, she heard his recovery on the news but didn't really believe it until now.

"Hey, Hera. How are you doing?" Kanan said anxiously, as Hera was close to tears. Hera then hugged Kanan tightly, as she cried silently with a nervous husband trying to comfort her.

"I know you missed me." Kanan whispered, as he caressed her back. 

They were slowly but steadily, sitting down on the cold hard wood floor. Jacen, who was looking at the situation, didn't know what to do but just joined in on the hug. Hera stopped crying and pulled away.

"After three months. Three months, Kanan, I thought you were gone. Though, seeing you right here, right now, makes me happy. Maybe beyond happy. I'm just glad to see you alive." Hera said, as she kissed Kanan on the lips while he kissed back. It was about to turn into a make-out session until Jacen cleared his throat.

"Yeah guys. Have a full make-out session in front of a nine year-old boy and a German Sheppard." Jacen said sassily, as Kanan and Hera blushed in embarrassment.

-Meanwhile With The Blueberry And The Raspberry-

Ezra and Sabine were doing usual stuff. Like watch TV, play videogames, anything that would keep them from dying to boredom. The next thing they did was paint and Ezra was not an ace at that. So, Sabine taught him how to do it. The two teens had a canvas in front of them while Sabine grabbed a brush and guided Ezra's hands.

"First, you have to dip your brush in water and dip it in the color you wish for. After you dipped it in the color you wanted, use the brush and paint on the canvas in a quick stroke like you're writing with a pencil." She instructed him, as Ezra did what he was told. 

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