||Chapter XIII: The Surprise||

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||DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Wars Rebels nor Star Wars itself and its characters! All of that belongs to Dave Filoni and his team, Lucasfilm, and Disney||

-Third POV-

Ezra woke up and saw the clock that read '7am'. He felt something heavy on his chest. When he looked down, he saw Sabine's purple and white hair. Ezra remembered everything that happened last night. He smiled, as he leaned back and also remembered the gift that he got her. As he was thinking of that, he felt Sabine moving and she looked at him with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, Ezzy." Sabine groggily said, as she kissed his cheek and lied her head on his chest but realized that he was shirtless.

"Ezzy? That's a new one." He chuckled, as he remembered that was his mom's name for him.

"I mean, you do call me Bine sometimes so why not call you Ezzy or Blueberry?" Sabine said, as she looked at him with a smile on her face. "Plus, when did you sleep shirtless?"

"Well, that was my Mom's name for me." Ezra said, as he looked the other way sadly.

"Oh, I didn't hurt your feelings, did I?" Sabine asked worriedly.

"No, no, I don't mind calling me that actually. It just brought me old memories, y'know." Ezra said.

"I know what you mean." Sabine said, as she lied her head back on his chest.

"Hey, you wanna hang out today?" Ezra asked, as he looked out the window.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Sabine asked.

"I want to go back to sleep. I'm still tired from yesterday." Ezra said.

"Yeah, me too." Sabine said, as she yawned. Ezra kissed her head and went back to sleep while Sabine did too. They woke up when the rest were up and went down for breakfast.

-After Breakfast-

Ezra and Sabine went to the café to get some coffee. As they went on about, Ezra bumped into someone and they said "Hey, watch it bro!" but when Ezra went to apologize, he saw that Wedge was in front of him. He had widened eyes just like Wedge. Right before Ezra could've said something, Wedge and his crew ran away at lightspeed and went to D.C. 

(They live in New York City, btw). 

When Ezra and Sabine saw what happened, they laughed and shook it off. As they were talking, Ezra had Sabine's surprise in his pocket and wanted to give it to her so bad but waited for the right time to give it to her. When they were at her house, they were greeted by a mother who looked intimidating.

"Hello Mrs. Wren, how was your day so far?" Ezra asked, as he smiled nervously.

"Good, have you been doing good with my daughter?" Ursa asked.

"Of course he did, Mom. We just slept together at his house, nothing big." Sabine said, but Ursa had other thoughts and was alarmed.

"Woah! Not like that, we're not even supposed to do that no way." Ezra said, which calmed Ursa down.

"Okay, come in." Ursa said, as she stepped to the side. Ezra and Sabine just did regular stuff that normal people did. Play video games, watch TV, and other stuff. As they watched some more TV, Ezra wanted to give the gift to Sabine so he turned to her and she looked at him.

"Hey Bine, I know this is a little early and we just started dating but I wanted to give you a surprise so I went to Kay Jewelers the other day and I got you this. I was supposed to give it to you after our date but I kind of forgot about it so." Ezra nervously smiled. 

(His gift is the pic above)

"Ezzy, it's beautiful. Thank you." She said, as looked at it and it was engraved on one side with 'S+E' and the other side 'For the most beautiful girl in the world'. Sabine smiled widely. She asked him to put it on and he happily put it on. When she looked at him and he looked at her, their faces got closer and closer until Tristan came in and ruined the moment.

"Hey guys." He yawned. "Did I miss anything?"

"Yeah, you ruined a moment and look what Ezzy got me." Sabine said, as Tristan looked at it.

"Sorry, nice necklace, and Ezzy?" Tristan asked.

"I know right? And I got the necklace at Kay Jewelers." Ezra said.

"How much did it cost bro?" Tristan asked.

"Over four hundred dollars." Ezra said.

"Well damn, Sabine. He spent four hundreds for you. Better take care of that necklace right there." Tristan said, as he walked away.

"I know." Sabine said, as she chuckled. "Anyways, you haven't answered my question earlier this morning."

"What question?" Ezra asked.

"That you slept shirtless? Remember when we slept together?" Sabine asked while Tristan was drinking his Mtn. Dew but spat out a good portion of it.

"You slept together!? What would Mom think of this monstrosity?" Tristan screeched.

"Don't worry, she already knows and it's not what you think." Sabine said.

"Good. I was about to freak out there for a second." Tristan said, as he went back to drinking his soda while Sabine and Ezra shook their heads.

-A Few Hours Later-

Ezra went back to his house and told his family about the surprise for Sabine and they were happy. Apparently, they got Jacen a pet because it was his birthday that day and it was a German Shepard so Jacen named it Chopper. 

Ezra went up to his room and looked through the pictures him and Sabine took on their date. Sometimes, he still couldn't believe that he asked her out and became her boyfriend. He still tried to kiss her, though. Sabine did too but Aldrich, Tristan and/or Ursa kept ruining that moment. 

Ezra chuckled at the thought, knowing that whatever happens to Sabine, he'll be there for her and if Wedge tried to get her back, he'd probably beat the living hell out of him. But as he went to sleep, he wondered what his future would be like with Sabine Wren.

||Hey SunnyJay9 here. I finally completed this chapter for you guys and sorry if it was short, I'll try to make the next one longer but I can't make no promises. Anyways, I hope to see you guys later in the next chapter. Peace✌||


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