"Yes," I speak up and Pansy whips her head towards me.

"By who? A ghost?" She asks, treating me like a baby like she always has.

"No, Ella Khan is coming. She had to get her brother situated with some first years." I lie. Draco owes me one after this. The train starts to move, prompting Pansy to sit in another cart far from us. Blaise high fives me.

"Nice one." He smiles at me and so does Draco.

"I owe you one," Draco says, his eyes on the window.

"A bag of Honeydukes candy and you're good." I joke and Draco laughs.

"She's so annoying. You would think that this year when we are finally fourth years that she would let it all go?" Draco huffs as Blaise and I chuckle.

"Mate, you gotta get a girlfriend that isn't Pugface." Blaise pipes up. 

That sentence rang out in my ears. For some reason, I wanted it to be me. But why? I promised myself that after all the men Mom has married to never put faith in a man again. Mom marries men for the mass of their pockets, not for who they truly are. But something about Draco intrigues me. 

At the same time, he's my best friend. And so for those reasons, my crush for Draco is buried deep down.

"Diana, helloooo?" Blaise waves his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, what?" I ask.

"Did you hear about the Triwizard Tournament?" Blaise asks me.

"Yeah, if Pottah gets in, I will throw a fit," I reply and Draco gives me a high five. We both have the same opinion of the All-Mighty Chosen One.

"I've heard he fancies you, Diana." Blaise pokes at me and I swat him.

"For your information, prat, he fancies the Weasley girl, and second, I hate that pretentious prick." I sit back, finished with my rant about Harry Potter.

Draco and I talk all the way to the Great Hall about everything. Blaise, Pansy, how many new Slytherins we will get this year, new teachers, we covered it all. 

As I watch the new students get sorted, I remember when I got sorted. I almost went into Ravenclaw, seeing as how I am clearly the smarter twin but went to Slytherin in the end. I was so happy that Blaise and I would be together, and after that, I met Draco.

"Diana!" Ella Khan waves me over. Draco smiles and goes to sit with Theo Nott and Blaise for dinner. I hug her tight.

"I've missed you so much! How was your summer?" She asks me, playing with her coal-black hair and her bright blue eyes sparkling.

"It was nice. We went to Geneva again, and Blaise couldn't stop complaining about Muggles, but other than that it was nice." We sit down and dive into our dinner.

"Pansy is so jealous of your and Draco's friendship. It's the word on the block." Ella says as I pop a potato into my mouth.

"It would seem that way," I reply as my other friend, Millicent Bulstrode comes over to say hello.

"What are you talking about?" She asks cooly and sits to my right.

"Pansy and Draco," Ella replies. "Speaking of which, have you told him yet?" Ella asks me.

"Nope, and never planning to," I say and finish my dinner.

"Why? I've heard from Theo that there is a chance Malfoy likes you back." Millicent says as we head back to the Common Room. The three of us share a dorm and chat some more while unpacking. We head back to the Common Room to hang out. Blaise and Draco are in a heated discussion.

Evolution: A Draco Malfoy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now