Chapter 14

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"'Remember in my car? The kiss?" He's staring at me in a thoughtful way and I get even more nervous.

Don't. Please don't go there.

I sucked in a breath. "It was an accident. What more is there to say?" I let out a nervous laugh.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Makin' sure we're cool. You jumped out of the car before I could say anythin'" Derek's staring at me so hard I can't help but have to look away.

"Everything's fine," I ran my finger along the edge of my glass cup. "We're good; it was a harmless mistake that---we should both forget ever happened." It was a simple peck, that's all it was. "Forget about it," I tell him.

Derek studied me for a moment. His eyes moved left to right then up and down.

Finally working up enough courage, I looked at him. "What..... is it?" I questioned. "You've got that creepy eye thing going."

He was quiet for a moment and then said, "I make you nervous, Lia, don't I?" He smiled.

His assessment was right on but I couldn't tell him that. "No, you don't make me nervous. This conversation you're trying to have with me here is what's making me uncomfortable." should take me back now. I'm tired.'s been a long day."


"No now." I gritted out, folding my arms against my chest.

He's impossible! I can't be around him anymore.

I'm annoyed how easily I gave in to come to Wings with him.

I'm annoyed how EASY it would be to forgive my past with him.

.....And It's not right that I'm bribing me with sandwiches....

The more I cave.....the more he wins. I'm making this so easy for him!


This isn't our reality. We aren't friends.

I jumped up to my feet and took a step forward when a hand hooked onto the crook of my elbow. I was pulled to a stop.

I can't forget what happened.

I can't be around him to be reminded of the hurt after hurt he caused.

I can feel the tears building up inside me. Tears burned behind my eye lids. "Take me home." A desperate whisper seeped out of my lips as I refused to meet his stare, "Please Derek I---" I turned my head, wiping my face.

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