Chapter 18

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Muffled snores rumbled from down the hall when I got in from work that Saturday morning. Work was another busy one and I was just glad to be back. I was even happier when I realized I wouldn't have to work tomorrow. Sunday has come!

I locked the front door behind me and walked through the dark hallway into the kitchen. The stove light was left on all night. I saw real estate flyers sprawled out over the counter top and a few places were circled in red.

I guess the Palmers were taking what Marie said seriously.

Stifling a yawn, I hung my jacket off a kitchen chair and moved to the door leading out of the kitchen. I nearly bumped into Mrs. Palmer.

"Oh sorry!"

"It's alright, dear. I'm just about to make some coffee, would you like a cup?"

I was hoping I could catch a few hours of sleep but---"Umm sure." I followed her inside and flicked on the kitchen light.

"Are you hungry?" She asked opening the fridge. She pulled out the milk jug.

"I had a bit to eat at work so I think I should be good for awhile." I had cheese, crackers and nearly finished an entire pickle jar.

I jumped up on the bar stool near the island and sat comfortably. Mrs Palmer's settled a cup of coffee in front of me. "I noticed the real estate flyers," I said before taking a sip.

"Yes. Mr. Palmer and I were looking at some rentals earlier in the day."

"Mrs. Palmer I don't think you and your family should have to pack up your lives and move. Even if it's a few blocks away. I think a security system would be fine."

"For the time being I think it would be wise." Mrs.Palmer filled her cup. "It would be like taking a little vacation from the area. I can't tell you the last time we've gone away."

I inhaled sharply. "My stupid situation is making everyone suffer and I hate it. I hate feeling like big burden."

"We want you to be safe, dear."

"I know. Still doesn't make it any fair."


I knocked on Derek's bedroom door, "You here, Derek?"

"Come in." I heard him say.

I turned the door knob and let myself in. Derek was seating on the edge of his bed, holding a video game remote in hand. He had only a black pair of boxer briefs on and his hair was sticking out in all directions. Rugged was so very sexy. I averted my eyes and looked at the TV screen. "What game?" I asked clearing my throat.

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