Chapter 22

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From Sam:

I got a present for you 😃

From Kahlia:

What's the occasion? Not my bday Sam

From Sam:

You clearly need it. You've been gettin some attention.

From Kahlia:

I swear it better not be that brown bag.😳

From Sam:

Ding ding! Well it is.

From Kahlia:


From Sam:

Not expired AND that new guy I bet don't carry around anything

From Kahlia:

Not having sex Sam

From Sam:

You best carry around my goodie bag. 😤 Saving you from unnecessary baby mama drama.

Ever since we entered high school, Sam has carried around this brown paper lunch bag. One minute it's in her locker and the next its hiding in her backpack somewhere. Her parents first introduced the bag of doom to her sister when she reached peer-pressure age. For awhile Sam teased her sister about the bag, not realizing one day she'd have her very own.

Disguised as an ordinary lunch bag, it contains a months supply of condoms.

Sam's parents are particular about the number of condoms. It's their sneaky way of knowing what Sam and Gabriella are doing. Course the girls at this age have caught onto their tricks and have found ways to fool their folks. Gabriella---who is obviously sexually active replaces the condoms she takes from the bag. Her parents never know.

Sam sneaks her paper bag into my purse quite a bit. When I first started working at Teasers---she didn't know I had a job---she thought I was ditching her to hook up with guys. The bag suddenly appeared among my things. When rumors circulated that I was dating Mr. Davis, I found the bag in my locker.

Sam always thinks I'm up to no good. Derek's starting to think so to.

Derek leaned back in his chair, pulling his hands to his chest and resting them on his stomach. "You fuckin' Blake now?"

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