Chapter 16

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"Good morning, Lia. How'd you sleep?" Mrs. Palmer asked as she placed the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter.

"I haven't slept yet," I admitted with a yawn. "As soon as I got in from work I started working on my essay's due Friday." I still can't help but feel that Mr. Lou purposely put in topics in that hat that aren't mean to be 'researchable.' He wants to set someone up for failure and with my wonderful 'luck' I have been awarded the task.

"You need to sleep, dear. How do you expect to focus in your classes today?"

"I'll need to drink a lot of coffee." Thank God we had a school cafeteria that has decent coffee dispensers and actual good food if one day you forget to bring a lunch. I give credit to the lunch ladies; they have actual cooking school experience. Thank you Parkland lunch ladies for being fearful of The Fraser Health Authority.

"Let me make you some blueberry pancakes," she offered, reaching into the grocery bags pulling out a canned items.

I shook my head. "I'll take a banana to go. I'm in a rush anyway." I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl. "Maybe on Saturday?"

"Ok, dear. Before you go we're supposed to hear from the director from the detox centre today before 6pm. I just wanted to remind you."

"Did they say when exactly?" I asked feeling nervous all of a sudden. "I'll be at work till late again."

"They didn't give an exact time. Would you like me to call you when I hear from them?"

"Call me when you've heard something. Please." I had to be brave, regardless of any good or bad news I was bound to hear.

This is the life I was dealt.

Mrs. Palmer smiling now, "Everything will be okay, sweet girl."

I wanted to believe her. I wanted to cling onto faith but mine has been stepped on more than once.

My mother wouldn't agree to rehab the last time it was suggested to her. This time.... What makes this time....different?

"Mom?" I heard a voice call.

"In the kitchen, Derek."

Derek walked into the kitchen and froze in the doorway when he saw me.

I glanced at him in the doorway and then back at his mother. I inwardly cringed, dreading the discussion we would inevitably have thanks to Derek's sudden knowledge of where I spent most of my nights.

"Morning, sweetheart." Mrs. Palmer continued to unpack the groceries, working to get the cans and refrigerated items away in their proper place.

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