Chapter 28

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As I downed my fifth, I know shots of Vodka is not a good idea on top of Yagar Bombs. This is me not caring.

Everyone wants something different from me. Mrs. Palmer wants me to turn my mother in and send her away for more time. Big Steve is putting more pressure on me to wear more sexually suggestive outfits. He wants me to 'save' his club by coming up with new promotion ideas---which he never makes happen. Then Derek wants me to give him a chance and date him. Didn't he say in the first place he wanted to be friends first? Or wait--was that me.

I managed to get some guy to buy me liquor. He was anyways going inside so I gave him 10 bucks to buy me some. I stopped by Safeway to grab some plastic cups and some orange juice for the yager bombs.

I said I would never drink after seeing my mom wasting away but I caved. It's an easy way to feel happy.

I sat with my bottles of liquor near the tracks of the Bear Creek Train. The train had stopped running long before I showed up.

I finished the last drop of the yager bomb and tossed it to side. I laid on my back and felt in my pocket for my cellphone. Without more liquor the phone was all I had left to relieve my boredom---and pain. Hm, who did I last text? Sam then Derek. I smirked. He's up in Whistler as he should be. I suppressed a drunken grin and hit 'call.' He answered on the second ring.

"Lemme guess, you changed your mind."

"No," I slurred. "How do I look?"

"I wouldn't know. Tell me."

"Secret time." I giggled. "I'm naked."

His voice filled with concern. "Are you drunk?"

"Nope," I popped the 'p.' "I don't drink."

"Lia, what the hell are you thinking? Where are you?"

"A pretty forest with trees and unicorns." I giggled again. "Unicorn named is Rudolph!"

"Which forest?" He sounded exasperated.

"Ummmmmmm----" I yawned loudly, "So tired."

"Lia you need to tell me where you are. I'll send someone to get you."

"Soooooo tired. Goodnight."

"Wait Lia!"

I hung up and went back to laying down. Calling Derek ended up being pointless. Most it did was show him how incredibly stupid I am. I don't even remember why I called him. I'm really drunk and I messed up big time. I'll regret it more when I'm sober.

My phone rang and I answered it without hesitation.

"Hi." I bleated timidly into the speaker. "Er---don't yell at me. I'm not sober yet."

"What am I suppose to do with you, huh?"

"Errr- supply a few more bottles?"

"Don't kid with me," He shouted into the phone.

"Don't be mad at me," I whispered. "I'm going to be just like her."

He sighed, "You don't have to be like her. You can choose to be different."

"She ruined me."

"And if you keep on drinkin' your ruining yourself."

"One n--night is no biggie."

"I bet that's what she told herself before she became hooked." There was a long pause, and then I heard his keys clink in the background. "Tell me I should worry and I'll come home."



"I'm here!" I called out, running into his arms

"How much trouble you get yourself into?" He frowned looking down at me.

"I didn't get arrested, Derek."


I settled my cheek against his chest. "Was everyone okay with you leaving?"

"They'll have to get over it." Derek lowered me till my feet met the ground. "I left them cash to get drinks."

"You won them over with a wad of cash."

Derek smiled. "Got me home didn't it."

"So--- did you have fun?"

"Lia--" he wrapped his arms around my waist, "I came back to be with you, not talk 'bout the guys."


He pressed his lips to my forehead. "All I care to talk 'bout is us and how long imma have to wait to take you out."

"Awhile." He knows already that I want to be with him. Can't that be enough reassurance for now? "I need this living arrangement to work, Derek. I don't--expect you parents to put up with me for long but I need a place to stay till I figure out what I'm going to do."

"Their not gonna kick you out. "

"I know that but that won't stop my case worker if she finds out I'm involved with you."

"You make it sound like I'm a disease." Derek mumbled.

"The situation just sucks."

With a sigh, Derek removed his arms from around my waist and brought my hand to his chest. He held it still. "I want us to be together, you know that. I don't have time to wait to figure out what this is. I'm graduating high school, Lia. I'm leaving for university."

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