Chapter 37

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Derek was lying on his bed pretending to be asleep--when I walked into his bedroom. I knew he was faking it because seconds after I knocked on the door initially, I heard noises coming from inside. It's not hard to determine someone is jumping into bed when the frame squeaks.

"I guess we'll have to go out some other time," I sighed loudly, hoping for a reaction from him. "I had all these a-mazing plans. My golly I am so disappointment."

There was a silence.

"Hphm." I muttered. I walked over to his bed and climbed over to him, straddling his hips.

I heard him suck in a startled breath.

Oh he's awake.

"I'm wearing the necklace," I whispered, reaching to place the letter 'D' in my palm. I ran my thumb over it. "I love it." It was the perfect gift. I let the necklace fall back into place and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

He was still quiet.

"Well then. I guess I'll have to--" I slipped my fingers underneath his shirt and ran my hands up his stomach. "First and thennnn"

A deep chuckle escaped his throat, "Okay, okay, I'm up." Derek grabbed his hands around my wrist to still them. He sat up in his bed, and I remained on his lap. "You need to be careful how you wake a guy," he cautioned, brushing the loose hair out of my face.

"You weren't sleeping.  You were pretending and lost your chance at going on a date with me tonight." I climbed off Derek and stood up from the bed.

"Ouch. You know how to hurt a guy." He put his hand on his chest.

"I thought we could go to the park and lay out on the grass in each others arms...." I teased. "I wanted to show you my new work outfit. Big Steve was soo kind to give me one of those sexy fantasy football costume. You know the ones with the short sleeve crop tops and matching cheeky panties."  I batted my eyelashes.

"Damn, cheeky panties?" He said with a bated breath.

"The man is sure stepping up his game." I said pressing my hands to my hips.  "Guess you can go back to bed now."

"No way. Come here."

"Well okay." I smirked and let him take both of my hands and sit me down next to him. He shifted his body so he was facing me and I sat crossed legged. He gripped onto my thighs and pulled me closer so our legs were nearly touching.

This is how I wish we could be all the time.

"When are you wearing the costume?"  He cocked his head.

"Well I was going to show you but you overslept." I emphasized the word overslept to get my point across. Oversleep and you miss out on some very important things.  Chances are he'll never see that outfit ever again.

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