Chapter 56

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"I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it." - Demi Lovato

From Jacob

Hilton Hotel 7:30pm Sunday.

Ask front desk for envelope with room key inside.


                                                       McKinnis Miller Michaelson

                                                                 Attorney at Law

Kahlia R. Reinhart

C/O Mr. and Mrs. Palmer

1403 64A Surrey B.C


                                                        Re: Andrea E. Reinhart

Dear Miss Reinhart,

I represent Andrea E. Reinhart, as your aware, is 27 weeks pregnant with a boy. She asked that I contact you with the latest information pertaining to her case and pregnancy.

Upon discussing her parental rights, she has decided to continue to fight for custody. She is hoping the courts will grant her probation due to the pregnancy and has plans to raise the child on her own.

We also discussed the possibility of not being granted probation and in that circumstance where would the child go. Our client has been in contact with your maternal grandmother, who has agreed to take in the child until our client has been released.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitant to contact me.

                                                                      McKinnis Miller Michaelson, LLP


I haven't heard from Sam since I confessed many of my secrets in the letter I wrote to her. I wasn't worried that it fell in the wrong hands because I know I can trust Jess to stay true to her word.

She said she delivered it, I believe her.

I was growing impatient as I waited for a response but Jess was right when she said Sam would need some time. I wanted to honor that---I really did---- but I just needed my best friend back.

I needed her because you need your best friend when the world around you feels like its slowly caving in on top of you.

I was already there---under all that rubble.

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