Chapter 62

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"Limit your 'always' and your 'nevers' - Amy Poehler

I studied myself in the mirror as Sam looked on from my bed. I made the foolish decision of waiting to the last minute to figure out what I would wear to Derek Senoir's Bash.

I was so terrified by what his family and people around school would think that I left what I would wear on the back burner.

Derek's family was okay with myself going to the dance would Derek----after he clarified that it would be good for me to experience a teen milestone.

People around school weren't as understanding. I figured as much. One of the rumors was that Derek's family paid him off to invite me to the dance. Another was that I was screwing Derek and that I was pregnant. Something about experiencing teenage hood before I was expected to give birth.

Sam loaned me her green baby doll dress and matching heels.

I gulped, hard and turned around to look at her. "I'm sure this would look amazing on you but jeezes I look god awful." I think the shade of green is washing me out.

"It doesn't look terrible."

"Sam, don't lie to me. Just fix this mess."

Before I had a full on panic attack, Jess, stormed into my bed room in all her prom glory. She blinked a few times and then shook her head. She wore that disapproving 'parent' look. The one where they are not verbally calling you out on your lie, but their eyes sure are.

"Always here to save your asses." I didn't realize that Jess had slung a black garment bag over her forearm until she placed it on the bed. She unzipped it and pulled out the most beautiful and elaborate white, two piece, laced mermaid dress.

"Wow! Hey, why haven't I see that in your closet, Jess?" Sam sneered. "I wouldn't mind wearing that once... or twice."

Jess exhaled with a deep, contented sigh, admiring the dress on the coat hanger. "I picked it up yesterday. I was going to wear it at the grad ceremony."

The dress was stunning, almost too stunning for some silly senior prom. It was a two piece ensemble, with a a laced crop top with sheer lace shoulders and elbow lengthened fluttered sleeves. The mermaid form- fitting skirt flared from above the knee to the floor.

"Seems a little too fancy to wear under your grad gown, Jess."

Jess sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I would have made it work." She handed me the coat hanger. "Try it on, Lia."

I took the coat hanger and looked at the dress. "I don't think I can wear this... This is soo not me."

"Dances were a never 'you' thing, Lia. But Derek did ask you so dress the part."


"Okay. here I come. Don't laugh." I walked into my bedroom and stood in the doorway. "Well?" I looked at the girls then looked down at the dress.

I sure felt uncomfortable.

Sam was the first one to say anything. " If I were a guy, I'd so father your baby right now."

I laughed and took a few steps forward to look at myself in the mirror. I frowned, "The dress is amazing. I just make it look like a hot mess."

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