Chapter 12

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I'm just going to have to avoid Derek Forever. Well... just until the shock of the kiss dies down and he forgets about my existence.

It's that simple.

I'll time myself to make sure I don't eat breakfast in the morning when he does. Cut my showers in half to avoid any chance of a confrontation in the hallway.

At school I'll make sure to have whatever material I would need for the entire day. Avoiding the possibility of returning to my locker during periods because I forgot something I would need.

I have to be aware of danger at all times. In this case, the danger is Derek Spencer Palmer.

Avoiding Derek the following day was fairly easy. School was a breeze; I stuck to following the precautions I set to avoid him by all means. And I had to work at Teaser's that afternoon so there was no way I'd stumble into him.

After school I bused over to Teasers for my shirt. I had brought a change of clothes in my backpack all set for a quick wardrobe change before the start of my shift. ----Another handy idea I had to avoid returning home after school.

Today ensemble was a jersey inspired referee crop top with matching cheeky cut hot shorts. I would never wear this outside of work.

"Lookin' sexy there, Hun." Shelby whistled, walking toward my desk.

To her I mumble, "I'm not into this whole 'slutty' referee look." Not that I can really complain, because I was given the more tamed ensemble. I'm lucky that my job at Teasers doesn't have uniform requirements that suggest wearing 'hardly anything.' The only thing shielding some of Shelby's lady parts, bless her soul, is long strings of pearl necklaces.

"Hun, this is a strip club. You can't expect Big Steve to let you dress like a school librarian."

"I know that." I shrugged my shoulders and sat down in my computer chair. I reached up to tug on the hem of my crop top.

"Before I forget, you need to order in some more lube." She chewed loudly. "And put a load of towels in the laundry. We have no clean ones."

"Okay." I thought I put in that order a week ago.

"While you're doing that, could you ask Big Steve if he can hire someone to fix the leaky roof in our dressing rooms. I can't keep on paying out of pocket to replace my makeup cuz it gets wet."

"I'll try again but no promises." I've tried to approach Big Steve before about the leak and he uses the excuse he doesn't have any money. Yet we see him walk in with new Rolex watches every day or expensive designer hats.

The phone rang. "Teasers Gentleman's Club, would you like to book an appointment or party?" I asked.

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