Chapter 9

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I love my job.... because it's a job. It's a job that pays the bills and that's simply enough for me. It's a temporary solution till I can get something better.

Working at Teasers Cabaret is not something people openly talk about and speak as if they are proud to be in that profession. It has its own stigma. I'm simply the receptionist but even that carries a lot of shame. It's a job, obviously, but it's not a job I wouldn't be proud to tell Sam and Jess about.

Working at Teasers Cabaret is unlike any other job I've had. For one, in regular places of employment you may hear or experience some sexual harassment. At Teasers its unfortunately become a part of the job... Needless to say I have 911 on speed dial.

The boss Big Steve prefers you call Teasers a "gentleman's club" but there is really nothing gentle about it.

The girls that entertain are from all walks of life. There are the young girls, 18+, who are into hardcore alcohol or drugs. A few of them were kicked out of their homes real young and desperately needed the work. Then there are the young women who couldn't figure out what they wanted to go to school for so they ended up working here. No school required and they can make up to 1,000 or more per day.

The entertainers 25+, you may be surprised to learn are happily married with children. Personally I wouldn't be okay with my partner doing this sort of thing but there are some people who are totally okay with it.  Money made from dancing allows them much needed financial security. Money to go on  expensive vacations and money to provide some luxuries for their children.

From the time I arrive for work  to the end of my shift, I'm busy doing something.  I'm handling phone calls from clients who are wanting to book private sessions to booking a bachelor party. That's right, Teaser's even does house calls.  When I'm not arranging the books, I'm almost always having to make calls to the police because of there being that one guy, taking private sessions a little too far. -----Also apart of my job description, specified only after I was already hired,  Big Steve also has me take the bus to grab some coffee or pick up some 'toy's from the nearest rated r store. This was never in the job description I read over before I applied for the job.

I never complain about what I'm asked to do. Why? Because the one thing I'll only admit to having in common with the entertainers is how desperately I need this job.

I tossed my headpiece on the desk and walked over to the water dispenser. I took one of the plastic cups from behind the dispenser and filled it to the top.

"I just hate this job!" Shelby, one of the newer entertainers approached me. She buttoned her blouse.

"Don't let Big Steve hear you. He'll replace you in a split second."

"Please, he's in the dressing room flirting with Shanna. It's disgusting."

"He can do anything he wants," I shrugged, taking a sip. "Money gives him all the power."

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