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In the afternoon, as light snow fell down to the ankels, Remus walked through Hogsmade Village with a suitcase in his hand, taking slow steps across the snow.

All the villiagers watched him because of his wounds and scars on his face, which was normal for him to have people look at him so strangely because he was used to it.

He looked like a homeless man in his old coat and shoes, he saw many familiar faces of the people who ran their shops and pubs, he would give them a smile, wave and just pass by.

He came across an old wooden cabin that had two floors, with dirty windows and broken planks, located few minutes away from Hogsmade Village, near lake.

He took a rusty key from his pocket, pushed it into the lock and barely unlocked them, they opened as soon as he turned the key.

It was dark inside, the torn curtains were drawn and he coughed with the dust that rose into the air, he took a wand from his coat and said through a cough, "L-Lumos."

He pointed his wand around and looked at the old books on the shelves, almost decayed, two brown leather armchairs and two sofas next to a fireplace, a small desk with a set of chess, where him and his wife would sometimes sit, play chess and read books.

In the small aisle was a small library with a pile of novels and books lined up on shelves, with a wooden ladder leaning against a shelf.

It turned out that it's the house he owned with his wife when they were young and when Anna was born.

He touched his wobbly table where he often worked, a typewriter and a gramophone were on it, with few wooden decorations and a bunch of newspapers.

He set the suitcase down on the old desk and walked slowly up the stairs, each creaking louder and louder until he came to a hallway leading to one room and a small bathroom.

The cobwebs were all over the hallways, the walls were stained and had traces of ink that Anna had made when she was little.

He smiled at the stains on the wall and entered a room that had no door, inside was a double bed, miraculously it was still clean with folded silk bedding, that had rose decorations on it.

Next to the window was a chest with a mirror and open drawers, on it was a vase with withered dark red roses, through the window was a beautiful view of the lake.

The small cradle that he rocked gently was just as wooden as the other decorations in the room, with folded white linens and an old teddy bear on the pillow that did not have one ear, with wool protruded from it.

He saw a black peeled lantern and took it by the handle, a small fire was burning inside it and almost everything was lit, "Still working after all this years."

He sighed and left the room, he looked at the bathroom which was made of a stone shower, with a wooden chest of drawers and a sink, had a mirror above it and a candle chandelier on the ceiling.

He got down the stairs and put the lantern on the table, "There will be a lot of work here."

He had a lot of work to do to clean this old and dilapidated cabin in the order to spend holidays there.

(I will post pictures of the house)

Anna and Draco were sitting on a bench near Whomping Willow and they were very engrossed in the story.

He was sitting with his hand resting on the armchair behind her head, "I forgot to tell you, I talked with your father Remus," He smiled with delight.

She gasped, "Really? What did he tell you?" She put her hands on her lap and listened to him well.

"I told him about the relationship with my father, he gave me very good advice, he told me that everything is happening for a reason to make my future better," He spun the ring with his thumb, "Your dad is amazing."

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