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Walking through the desolate cemetery, Remus held a bouquet of red flowers in one hand, while in the other he had a red candle. His steps were weak, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment from all weakness.

Fresh, new scars were on his face, neck and arms, although the night of transformation with his son was beautiful, it was not easy for him, not once when the moon is full.

The crickets were heard in the grass because it was only four o'clock at night, completely dark all around.

He paused by the gray, stone tomb, approached it for the first time in his life, and looked at the engraved letters on it.

Elizabeth Annastasia Lupin.

A weak smile popped across his face, he crouched beside it and removed the dusty ground with his palm from it.

He lowered a bouquet of flowers and from all weakness, sat down on the dirty ground. He took a candle, lit by a wand, and placed it in the middle.

"Here, I came to you as I promised my love," He shoved his hands under his coat, "For the first time in my life, I am here."

"I brought you flowers and a candle, but you see, that can't show how much I miss you," Deep in his voice it sounded as if he was on the verge of tears, "And how much I wish you were by our side."

"As much as I thought it would be easier for me, but no Elizabeth, all this is getting worse and worse for me," Keeping the tears to himself, he spoke in a harsh and trembling voice.

"But at least I have Anna, Borris and Sirius, they are always there for me. But it's not the same without you."

He took a deep breath and looked at her name as he found the right words to say to her.

"Beneath this stone, lies the body whose life I have ended..." He cried, he knew he wasn't strong enough to last.

"And you know... You know you're coming to me at night, in my dreams... And you're telling me that everything's gonna be okay, healing my deep chest wounds.."

"The worst thing for me is when I have to wake up, into this world, where nothing makes sense without you..."

He stopped talking when he cried harder than ever, breathing deeply.

"I feel you Elizabeth, I feel your hands, your scent, all like the first day you walked down the halls of Hogwarts."

He looked down, "These hands of mine are empty without you, and here," He rested his hand on his chest, "There is nothing here anymore."

"My heart broke, the day yours stopped beating."

"But do you know what brings it back again, piece by piece? Anna's love for George," He smiled weakly.

"I forbid her too much to be with him, but I'm afraid he won't break her little, weak heart," He sighed and added, "You know yourself that her heart was beating badly when she was born, we fought for her to come into this world."

"Family is what keeps me strong my beautiful angel," He said softly and got up from the ground, shook off his clothes, kissed his finger and leaned it against the grave, after which he left the place and headed back to The Burrow.


Early in the morning, everyone slept as usual, until Molly's voice was heard, which woke everyone up.

George, Fred, Borris and Anna came out of the rooms and looked down the hall, saw Sirius hurrying down the stairs, followed by Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

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