George and Fred's secret language

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Not hard to understand, you just move the first letter to the end of the word and add “ah" to it.

Example: Iah referpah ictionalfah aratcterschah oremah hantah ealrah eoplepah

Which means: I prefer fictional characters more than real people.

You drop the first letter of the word, Fictional would be ictional
George would be eorge

And you put the first letter at the end of the word, that would be: ICTIONALF

Then you add "ah" at the end of the word, then you have a word: ICTIONALFAH

I wrote this to make it easier to understand because their secret language will be spoken in some chapters.

If you remember at the beginning of the story (I think the second chapter) George and Fred spoke their secret language, but I didn't invent what kind of, so here it is :)

Love you all 🤍

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