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Waking from the sun hitting her eyes, Anna straightened slightly and looked out the window.

It was open and a warm wind was entering the room, a beautiful morning summer. She didn't want to wake George who was asleep with his back to her.

The light shone on his soft shoulders, covered with freckles. And his messy hair looked even more fiery because of the sun, into which the wind blew lightly.

She left a gentle kiss on his cheek and heard him mumble her name, shifting in place.

When she got up, she put on her silk bathrobe and tied it around her waist, then headed to the bathroom to do her morning routine. After that, she went to the living room and found a ready-made, hot cup of coffee.

None of her friends were awake so she went out on the balcony a little to sigh the soothing air and rest her thoughts from everything. She rested her elbows on the railing, holding a cup and facing the empty beach.

Waves could be heard crashing into the rocks, and the voices of wizards and witches passing by the road below the building.

She took a sip and took a deep breath, a wide smile on her face from the relief she felt after all these days. She watched a flock of swallows fly in the sky, making shapes as they fluttered their wings.

Someone's arms wrapped around her waist and she received a gentle kiss on the neck. She smiled and leaned her head against his as he stroked her belly with his thumbs.

"Good morning my beauty, you smell wonderful."

A deep voice, like darkness, she didn't know how to describe but she shuddered at it.

"How is our baby today?"

She turned her head and looked into the boy with dark eyes and black hair, his lips looked soft as cotton, in shape of a wickedly smirk.


With difficulty breathing, she woke up from her dream and looked around in panic. She could still feel someone's arms around her waist and the lips on her neck, turning her head slightly, saw her lovely boyfriend George.

It was immediately easier for her when she woke up, but her heart was still beating abnormally. His arms hugged her tighter, she rested her head on the pillow and took a deep breath.

It was only three o'clock at night, but she couldn't fall asleep again at all. She brought her body close to his and put her hands on his, staring blankly and trying to think about what she was just dreaming.

"Are you okay dear?" His raspy voice whispered in her ear. She shivered and nodded, "I just can't sleep."

George didn't answer anything, he just started humming a song with his deep voice that she immediately remembered when Sirius put her to sleep with it when she was still a child.

He started to caress her stomach, although she could still feel Zen's touch, she was silent and felt calm.

She closed her eyes, and he continued until she fell asleep.

A few days passed, Anna did not tell anyone what she had dreamed, not only once, but several times it repeated to her, but luckily, she would wake up next to George.

She had a feeling George knew about it because they didn't talk often and during the day, they would cuddle a little and when night came, they wouldn't talk like they used to until they fell asleep.

But she didn't say anything, she thought that he was only upset about Remus' health, as well as the others who would be silent all day and be in the apartment, they did not go to the beach or walk at all.

George's KindnessWhere stories live. Discover now