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There was a "loud" silence in the house, until almost midnight, George spent time in the room, he didn't even go out to eat anything, they didn't want to bother him because he behaved strangely. Fred was sitting on the floor by the fireplace, he placed Felix in front of the door of the room that was a little open, so George can fall in love with him and play with him. And Anna was in the kitchen, looking around a bit.

"Fred, are you kinda hungry?" With a grin on her face, she turned to him, holding the handle by the hanging chest of drawers.

"I'm more, thirsty," She looked at her with a bigger grin on his face, knowing what he meant.

She raised an eyebrow and opened the bottom chest of drawers, she took out a bottle of Fire Whiskey and turned to face him, "It is a couple of years old, even tastier."

"That's what I'm talking about, pour us a little bit so we can forget this stress," He smiled, got up and sat down on the couch.

Anna took two glasses and sat down next to him, she poured half in them and put down the bottle, "Don't get too drunk, only a little bit, okay?"

They took the glasses at the same time.

"A little bit," He gently struck a glass of hers and drank it all at once, he shook his head and said in a hoarse voice, "Oh gosh, more please, this is amazing."

"Take it easy," She laughed and poured him more, she drank it all at once too.

Alcohol stunned them and they drank too many glasses, making them dizzy and kinda, well... Just continue reading.

With half-closed eyes, Fred looked at her and hiccuped, "You said a little bit, fool," He laughed and pushed her with his elbow.

She grabbed his arms and laughed, lowering her head to his chest, "It's your," She hiccuped, "Fau-ffleut, oh fuck me."

"Fault, you si-silly girl," He tried to keep quiet from laughing, he twisted her arms to grab them, "I thank-thi-think your tongue is spoon-pining, bloody hell, spinning in your mouth," He bit his lip in laughter and shook her hands.

"Isn't it?" She tried to free her hands and hit him but it didn't work, she swung her leg over his and brought him closer.

He looked down at her leg rocking in his lap, "Heavy as-as fuck!"

"Do you want e-even heavier?" She rolled into his lap, staring into his wasted red face.

"You're a pig Anna-na!" He said through a joke and moved his hands to her thighs, squeezing them.

Anna stopped joking, looking him straight in the eye and slowly down at his arms which he passed over her thighs, chills running all over her body.

Her breathing became harder, she looked up, this time in his lips.

And Fred immediately became serious and stared at her lips too, their ears blurred, as if everything around them was disappearing.

She swallowed the dumpling and slowly brought her head closer to his, and from her thighs, his hands crossed over her hips.

This is not happening, she thought, as if she heard two voices in her head, one telling her to continue and the other one to stop.

She didn't insist, she couldn't resist kissing him, without any feelings for him that way, alcohol is to blame.

They closed their eyes when their lips met.

He kissed her lower lip while she kissed his upper, she would move in place and cling to him even more.

His groan ran down her throat into her stomach, and she let out the same one, panting into each other with the smell of alcohol.

Meanwhile, George was lying on his stomach on the bed and looking out the window, he had a view of the lake and it was a little scary because of the fog.

George's KindnessWhere stories live. Discover now