Chapter 14: Pretend

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The following days were silent inside the Dream Team house. They did a few recordings and streams. They just played Minecraft, watched movies, eat, and just be lazy all day. Then they found out their food supply was running out. The three decided to go grocery shopping together.

Nick decided to separate with them for a while as he looked for his carbonated Melon Milk. George stayed with Dream, just in case anything happens. It was pretty normal at first. But then a random girl approached Dream.

"Hey there. You look cute. What's your name?" The girl suddenly asked Dream, rudely interrupting the boys' conversation.

Dream was startled at first, but then his lips broke into a smile. George immediately felt his blood rush inside of him.

"Oh? And who is this pretty girl talking?" Dream flirted back.

George's eyes widened at his words. He couldn't believe it. Is Dream that stupid? He wanted to punch the stupid green boy right then and there, but he controlled himself.

The girl giggled at his comeback. "I'm Sally."

"I'm Dream."

"Dream? That's a weird name." Sally giggled. "Is it because you're so dreamy?"

"I guess you could say that." Oddly enough, Dream was liking the attention.

On the other hand, George was trying not to commit murder or mass genocide. His boyfriend- well, past boyfriend- well, not like they broke up but Dream just doesn't remember- his most loved person was flirting with a girl! In front of him too! What was Dream doing? He knew about how George loves him! More than just a friend! George's heart broke into a thousand pieces more. How many times has it been?

"Umm, Dream. I know you're having fun right now, but Nick just called." George's voice was small and strained. It was as if his lungs were tied up. His heart was beating immensely fast that he struggled to breathe. He tried to get Dream away from the girl as politely as he could. He was desperate. He even lied about Nick calling them. He could feel pain at the back of his eyes but tried his best to push it down.

However, Dream ignored him.

"You don't look too bad either." Dream continued speaking to the girl. He completely forgot about his complicated relationship with George.

"Are you single? Can I have your number?" The girl didn't even pay attention to George either.

George felt like breaking down right then and there. It was too painful. It was like the world was crashing down on him. He clawed on his chest as he felt the air escaping from his lungs and never returning.

Approaching them from behind was Nick. Nick looked around and found his two best friends in one aisle. He was holding a pack of carbonated Melon Milk. He walked towards the two as a smile was drawn on his face, feeling happy about the treasure he was carrying. But as Nick neared them, he saw an unfamiliar girl talking to Dream while George's pale hand tugged on Dream's shirt.

"George-" Nick was about to ask George about the girl, but then he saw the look on George's face. Pain, anger, and sadness. He turned towards Dream and the girl. He immediately understood what was happening. He needed to do something.

"Hey mamas, looking sexy." Nick put on his sexy look as he stood between Dream and the girl. "What's a pretty girl like you doing with a stinky gamer dude right here?"

Needless to say, Dream was a bit offended. "Hey, Nick! Wha-"

Before he could finish, Nick shoved his pack of carbonated melon milk to Dream. Then He pushed Dream and George away from the girl. "Quickly! The line is going to be long soon. Go ahead and accompany George and pay for the groceries."

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