Chapter 15: Emotions Suck

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It was horrible. No one expected that day would end like that. Both men were too drunk with their emotions that they threw all sense out of the window. And poor Nick. He only wished for the best for his two best friends. He did what he could to preserve their happiness. But it was like holding water in your hands. They all just eventually slip out and dry.

George's head hung low as quiet sobs escaped from his lips. Both his hands were glued on his face as he covered his pathetic state. Dream could only stand there and watch. George went too far, but he knew it was his fault. He unknowingly pushed all of the brunet's buttons until he was undone. They were both stupid. They both hurt each other.

What can Nick do? What can he do? He didn't know anymore. He stood there in shock, searching for anything in his brain. Something. Just something! What can he do? He wasn't supposed to be involved, but there he was fighting the tears in his eyes as he watched his loved ones scream at each other. He was the youngest out of the three, yet it seemed to be that he carried the heaviest responsibility. What can he do?

After a few moments more of silence, their emotions finally seemed to settle down. No one dared to move away from where they stood. Oh, how they both regretted what they have said. How they regretted the words they threw at each other. Those knives and swords that made them bleed. Those things can never be taken back.

Now that they were sober, Dream finally felt the prick in his eyes. A sigh escaped from his lips as a tear rolled down on his cheek. He looked at the frail man in front of him. The brunet was a sobbing mess and his body trembled as he cried.

Don't run away. Don't leave.

Finally, Dream opened his arms and embraced the crying boy. It was a mess. It was all too confusing. They were okay, then they were not. They were happy, and suddenly not. They were screaming, then there was only silence. They were fighting, but now they were hugging.

George wanted to punch Dream. He couldn't read the tall blond man at all! He couldn't understand him at all! Did he lose brain cells when he lost his memories? Seems like it. But being in Dream's embrace was soothing. It was almost therapeutic. Then he finally stopped trying to hold his tears back. George completely broke down as he let all his bottled emotions pour out. That's right, pour it all down in the sink.

"I-I I'm- so- sorry." George tried to speak between sobs and sniffles. "I- I di- didn't- mean to. I- don't- I don't hate- you. I don't hate you."

Dream raised a hand to comb the brunet's soft hair as his other handheld him on the waist. He tried to speak, but he couldn't find his voice.

"I- I don't hate you. I lo- love- you s-so much. I love y-you s-so much."

Dream silently cried as he hugged the other boy tighter as he buried his face on George's hair. He still couldn't find the words to speak. He felt like he didn't have the right to do so. As the two embraced, they didn't notice the other man standing at the entrance.

Was it a relief when Nick saw the two decided to hug it all out? No, not exactly. He knows full well that today damaged both of them. They both hurt each other. And he knew that apologies were not enough. But what can he do? He couldn't do anything. So he left. He turned away and retreated to his room. He silently cried.

"I'm-... I'm sorry too." Dream finally managed to say. "I'm so sorry. You were going through so much and I- I was so stupid for pushing you in a corner. I should've thought twice about my actions. I should've been a better person for you."

George continued to cry in the taller man's chest, ruining his shirt. But neither paid attention to it. They both cried on each other for a few moments more before pulling away. They weren't completely okay, but they were trying. Soon, Dream excused himself and returned to his room.

Later, Nick decided to check on Dream. They talked for a while. Dream talked about the reason why he pushed George, his insecurity about his face, how he messed up, how he wished he never lost his memories, and how he wished everything would just be normal again. Nick listened as he watched tears roll down from Dream's eyes.

Next, Nick went into George's room. There he found the brunet curled up on his bed as tears stained his pillow. Nick sat beside him and hugged him. They didn't exchange any words but they both understood each other. The two of them had something in common. The two of them knew the feeling of losing a friend. Nick was also affected when Dream lost his memories. They were both devastated about what happened. Also, Nick had always supported Dream and George. He was always there in their relationship. He was the one who held them together. Now, Nick felt sorrow for George. He knew how painful it must have been for the older boy. George wished that he should've lost his memories too.

They were all too tired after that. None of them went out of their rooms for the night. They all silently cried themselves to sleep.


I'm pretty sure you remember that awful night. We were both stupid and we both hurt each other. Then we hurt Nick in the process. God, he really deserves more than two packs of carbonated melon milk. Well, I'm about to do something stupid again. I guess I'll have to make it four packs of carbonated melon milk.

Anyway, I said things that I regretted. I want to apologize for that. But nothing will ever be enough. It will never erase the wound I have inflicted on you. So this time, I'll just have to do something to prevent it from happening again. There is only one way. And I will take that one way.

Haha, emotions suck.


1000+ Words


Wooh!! So much angst! I'm so sorry. I wanna skip to the fluffy parts too but this had to be done for the plot. Just a little bit more guys. Please bear with me.

This may be a bit short. I had to take a break from the last chapters. They were so intense and so long.

Sappy Nappy is da best. Agree or fight me :P


Have a great day!

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