Chapter 8: Lies

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Another morning woke the boys up again, but they all went back to sleep. Around 10 A.M., they started to get out of their rooms one by one. Dream was already in the kitchen cooking pancakes. A few moments later, Nick entered the room.

"Hey mamas! Good morning." Nick said with a yawn.

"Morning, Sapnap." Dream greeted back as he placed a plate of pancakes on the table. "Pancakes?"

"Thanks." Nick sat down and began to eat. "You've been cooking a lot of pancakes lately."

"Because pancakes are SO good, duh!" Dream chuckled as he returned to the stove to cook some more pancakes.

"Damn. You don't need to tell me that you're horny for pancakes, Dream." Nick grinned. Dream only rolled his eyes at him. Nick returned to eating. "So I was thinking, are you up for a stream?"

It has been a month since the accident. And within that time, Dream only posted prerecorded videos. The three decided not to tell the fans about what happened to keep them from worrying and destroying twitter about it. Instead, they made up excuses, saying it was some personal matters. But it has been a full month, and the fans are dying from waiting. Also, Nick missed having to stream with his friends.

"Good morning." A voice came out from the stairs. It was George.

"Good morning." Dream and Nick greeted him back with smiles.

George walked over to them and noticed the pancakes. He wasn't feeling for some pancakes, so he looked for something else from the cupboards. He opened one cabinet, and there were only boxes of pancakes in there, a lot of them.

"Why do we have so many pancakes?" George asked, not turning his head. "We don't need these many!"

"I'm sorry- We NEED pancakes." Dream replied. George only rolled his eyes at him.

"Who did the groceries last time?" George mumbled as he gave up looking for other food. He walked over to take a seat across Nick. "Snapchat, you should've controlled Dream from buying so many pancakes!"

"Sorry, MOM." Nick just grinned at George. "It's your fault for making me babysit Dream. Besides, dad can get what he wants."

"Yes, George. I can get what I want." Dream laughed at the two as he took a seat with them too. He gave George his plate of pancakes.

"Anyway, you guys up for a stream?" Nick asked his question again.

"Hmm... Yeah, sure." George softly answered as he took a bite from his pancake. "What about you, Dream?"

"Yeah! Sure. It's been a while. The fans are getting mad." Dream chuckled. "And I miss playing with you guys."

"No need to be sappy, Dream." Nick rolled his eyes. But deep inside, he missed playing with his friends too. "We can invite Bad and Skeppy!"

"That would be awesome!" Dream let out a big smile. "It's been a while since I talked to them too."

"Great! I'll call them." Nick said as he returned to eating.

George was oddly silent, but the two didn't notice. He missed playing with his friends too. But he can't stop thinking about what would be different after--- everything that happened. He decided to focus on the food in front of him.

After eating, they headed into their rooms and prepared. After setting up everything, the three finally streamed together after a month. People were asking how they were, what happened, and what they were going to do. The three answered their questions as best as they could. But they vaguely answered the questions about Dream.

Once Upon A Dream (A DreamNotFound Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora