Chapter 11: Cliché

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After dinner, Nick came up with a 'genius' idea. He suggested that the three of them should watch a movie before sleeping. The other two agreed. Then they all made their way to the living room. Nick occupied one whole couch for himself while Dream and George shared one. They all made themselves comfortable as Nick chose a movie.

"Seriously, Sapnap?" George groaned as the movie started. It was a horror movie.

"What?" Nick asked, faking innocence on his adorable face.

"Snapmap, whatever you're planning right now, it better not be bad," George said. Dream just silently sat on the couch, not understanding what was going on.

"Oh. Gogy, I couldn't possibly bring myself to hurt my dearest best friend." Nick innocently said, as a big suspicious grin formed on his face. "What? You're going to piss yourself?"

George raised his foot and lightly kicked Nick on the head. Nick just laughed at him as George settled himself back on the couch in defeat. Dream guessed that George disliked horror movies. He never knew about that. Well, he forgot that he knew.

The movie began and the three silently watched. As the movie progressed, the screams and jumpscares got worse on the screen. Dream noticed how George hugged his knees and hid his face. Now and then, George would jump and shiver at the movie. Dream thought it was cute. At the same time, Dream felt bad for George. He wanted nothing more than to hug the small man in his arms.

Halfway through the movie, Nick stood up. "I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick."

"Okay." Dream replied. Then Nick walked away.

Then there was only Dream and George. The lights were off in the room. The only source of light was from the faint glow of the TV screen that caressed their faces. Even though scared, George kept sneaking glances at the movie. He didn't want to look like a coward in front of Dream.

"Are you okay?" Dream finally broke the silence. George flinched as he heard Dream's voice. George slowly turned his head towards Dream.

"Sorry." Dream brought his voice down as he realized he surprised George.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm okay." George said. Then he realized he was lying again. "I mean- It's scary. But I can take this."

"Are you sure?"


Dream brought his hand behind his neck as he looked away. "Well, umm. Just know that I'm open for hugs or something like that. J-Just in case you want um- If you need it."

George felt a warm rush crawling on his face. "Oh, I'm okay. Thank you, but I don't-"

"Ahhhh!!!" As if on cue, a terrible cry came out of the movie, telling George to accept Dream's offer and just honking cuddle for the plot.

George jumped on his seat as his voice was cut short. He closed his eyes as he gripped tightly on the soft fabric in front of him. Then he felt a pair of hands snake around his waist, holding him gently as that person whispered sweet nothings into his ear, telling him that it's alright, that he is safe, and that he'll never leave George's side.

After a few seconds, George calmed down and opened his eyes. Then he realized that he had jumped on Dream. Now, he couldn't calm the butterflies that fluttered inside his stomach as a blush crept on his face. Feeling a bit embarrassed, George tried to break away from Dream's hold. But he only felt Dream's strong arms tighten around his waist. George blushed harder. But it would be a lie if he said he didn't like this. He loved it.

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