Chapter 13: Chasing You

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Long chapter ahead!



You are like the sun. Pretty cliché right? Well, I can't exactly think of any fancy metaphor right now. Everything just feels heavy.

Anyway, you are like the sun, and I am just a moon. You shine on your own while I have to rely on yours. And we go around the world chasing each other. Well, I am chasing you and you may be running away from me.

I wish I could say that I can stop. Because honestly, I can't. Even if you find another moon, I'll just be right here always. Always seeking your light. And if you do find someone else to chase, I'll still be here waiting in the dark.


"Okay. So here's the plan." Skeppy whispered to George. "Bad is the least of our worries and Dream would most likely be hiding as we'd take each other out. Right now, Sapnap is our biggest enemy. We need to take him out first."

"The game begins in three..." A voice echoed in the arena.

"How will we do that?" George asked.


"I think I can distract Bad and hopefully take him out immediately. You handle Sapnap. I'll help as soon as I'm over with Bad." Skeppy instructed. George just nodded in agreement.

"One..." Then a loud buzzer reached the ears of the players. The three teams then immediately sprung into action.

The three teams were all separated from three different directions. The battle is most likely going to happen in the middle of the arena. George and Skeppy carefully navigated through the maze of dark walls. Nick and Bad did the same.

However, Dream had a different plan in his head. He guessed that the two teams would most likely meet in the middle. So he decided to stay on the corners of the arena. Of course, as the competitive man that he is, he doesn't plan on hiding forever. As he was keeping his distance from the hotspot of the battle, he planned to sneak around their backs and take them all out. Much to his dismay though-

"Woah!!!" From the corner of his eyes, Dream saw a figure of red and he immediately ducked into a wall.

"Damn it! I almost got you!" It was Nick. "Oh, Dreaaaamm~ Come out and play~!"

"Go away Sapnap!" Dream shouted back. Then he hurriedly ran away in silence. He decided to go deeper into the maze in hopes to get Nick confused. Nick ran after Dream but immediately lost him. Then it was Nick's turn to be hunted.

"Hi, Sapnap!" Dream casually said as he popped out behind Nick. Then he aimed and shot for Nick. A gunshot sound came out from his laser gun.

Luckily for Nick, he was able to react fast enough and dodge it. But as he did so, he hit one of his feet in the corners of the wall and fell down "Owww!"

When Dream heard Nick's groan, he laughed. This time, his laugh was sinister, almost psychotic. "Come here, SNAPCHAT!"

As the adrenaline rushed into Nick's body when he heard Dream's evil laugh, he forgot about his pain and immediately ran. Dream ran after Nick while laughing his heart out. Nick was reduced to screaming as Dream kept popping out of nowhere like a mushroom.

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