Old Lady

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I walked out of the shower in a rush, I don't want to be late to the airport. I threw one a casual sky blue shirt and black jeans. Luckily, we didn't have training today because the match is in two days time and Coach thinks it's better for us to rest before practicing finally tomorrow. Fate is clearly on my side, I thought as I picked up my keys and left the house. I met a few of my teammates as I drove out of the villa.

"Yo", I said as I picked the call. "Are you close yet? Tyler and I just got here", Jace's voice rang through the phone. "Yeah, I'm looking for where to park", I replied. "Alright man", Jace said and the line cut off.

"Did you bring the placards?", I asked as I approached the guys. "Yup", Jace said as he handed me my card. We each had placards to raise when the girls came out but it wasn't the regular ones with just names, we added a twist to it.

We went to eat behind the airport and when it was time for them to land, we stood up and went out to wait for them.

Several people gathered to take pictures with me. I signed autographs for a few before Tyler called out to me, "Blake, they're coming out". I politely waved at the rest of my fans before going to stand with the guys as a crowd of people poured out from the terminal. We rose our placards to the sky waiting patiently for the girls.






We spotted a few people taking pictures of us but we didn't care as we spotted the girls wheeling their boxes out of the terminal. They all had sundresses on with dark shades, probably to hide their faces. Sam was the first to spot us and she burst into laughter as she nudged Mira who immediately threw her head back in laughter. Soon enough, we caught the rest of their attention and also the entire airport as people took pictures and videos while the girls approached us with smiles on their faces.

"You guys just love go all in, don't you?", Jess smiled as she hugged Jace. I turned my attention to Rue who approached me with a smile on her face but I noticed that it didn't reach her eyes. Even from the way she hugged me, I knew something was wrong but I remained quiet and kissed her forehead, whispering, "I missed you so much". "I missed you too", came her quiet voice. I ran my hand down her hair and sighed, I looked up to see Bri looking worriedly towards us and that confirmed my thoughts. Whatever was wrong with Rue, Bri knew.

Lord, why?

Why did something have to ruin this perfect trip. Now she'd be worrying herself and closing up on me.

After everyone base each other farewell, we entered the car and once the doors shut, I looked at her, "Mine or yours". "I miss mine so much. I want to be around my stuff", she said simply and I nodded before starting the engine.

She sighed, "Home sweet home", she smiled as spun around and if I didn't know better, I would think that all was well. "Do you want me to make you something?", she asked me as she dropped her bags by the staircase. "No, I ate at the airport before you arrived", I said as I picked up her boxes. "Well then", she smiled as she placed her hands around my neck, she tiptoed to kiss me and I immediately gave in.

Sooner than later, we were in her bedroom. She was on top of me as we kissed sweetly, just drowning in ourselves. I helped her take her shirt off so it was only her bra left and she took of my shirt as well before kissing me again as I ran my hands down her hair gently. She paused and sighed looking away from me, I guess it's time to address the elephant in the room.

"Rue", I started but she cut me off, "I know, I know, I'm sorry...I'm just..", she sat up still on my thighs. I sat up and placed my hands around her waist, "What's going on?", I asked searching her eyes. She closed them and opened them again, "I'm scared", she whispered as she rested her head on my shoulder. "Why? Did something happen?", I asked as I felt her tears drop on my shoulder. She remained quiet for a while before shaking her head, "No, I'm just...I just really missed you so much and I'm afraid that one day either you and I might not be here for each other anymore". I knew she was lying but I also knew that in every lie, there is an ounce of truth.

She was definitely afraid but she won't say why..

"Rue, I'm not leaving you. I'll never leave you. We're here, I'm here to stay, okay?", I said as I laced our fingers together. She nodded and smiled before hugging me.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty. I felt around the other side of the bed for Rue but all I felt was the comforter so I turned on the dim lights but she wasn't in the room. I figured she felt thirsty too so I stood up and made my way downstairs. I passed by the back door and heard a soft muffled voice from outside. I stopped and opened the door to see Rue sitting by the pool and she looked like she was talking to someone on the phone. I quietly moved closer and I heard her sniffing and she wiped her eyes.

"Bri, you have to understand. What if he starts to worry about it? I can't have him thinking of anything but the game", she croaked, almost like she was struggling to speak. "I know, I know, besides you said it might not be true. The old lady could've trying to taunt me", she sniffed again. What old lady? And what could she possibly have said to hurt Rue and could make me worry?  "I promise that I'll tell him once the game is over but right now, I want him in the right state of mind", she said in a firm tone like she had made up her mind.

I stood and watched as she hung up and stood. She froze on seeing me but regained her composure and was about to walk past me but I held her arm, "Rue...". "Please Blake, please just focus on your game and do not worry", she said smiling but with pleading eyes. "I don't give a fuck about the stupid game! Just tell me who the old lady was and what she said to you!", I snapped. She removed her arm from my grasp, "You and I both know you're lying. This game means so much to you as well as your team and I'm not going to let emotions jeopardize that. I promise we'll talk about immediately after the game...after you win...but till then, focus on the game and I'll focus on being your supportive girlfriend", she smiled and walking inside.

I sighed frustratedly.

It's okay, Blake. She told you that she will tell you after the game. She's not hiding it, she just doesn't want you to worry so much so you don't lose focus. She's being considerate of you and the team just like the Rue I knew in high school.

I sighed again and went inside. I drank a glass of water and went back to the bedroom. Rue was already lying on the bed so I laid beside her and placed my arm around her waist, hugging her tightly and kissing her head, "I love you", I whispered to her. "I live you more",  she whispered back and a smile appeared on my face as I closed my eyes.

"Today is the D Day, everyone. We've all worked our asses off till this moment and I believe in every single one of you....", Coach kept speaking encouraging words as I took in the stadium around us. We had woken up as early as 5am to train, the match is at noon so we aren't expecting any crowd till about 10am. I have waited for this day to come and I can't wait for the match to be over so Rue and I can finally talk about Ibiza and the old lady.

Families of the rest of the team members who flew from England poured into the waiting room. We are only allowed 5 minutes with them before we go into the changing room. I could already hear the crowd outside and my chest felt heavy. Why do I feel so nervous and restless? Normally, I'm always calm before the game so what was different now? Maybe it's the pressure of being in my hometown or maybe because of what happened to Rue. Maybe cause I'm anxious to hear what she'll say. I cleaned my sweat off my forehead and smiled as I spotted Tyler, Sam, Jack, Celine and Rue as they walked into the room.

I couldn't tell them how I was feeling or they'd start to worry so I brushed it aside as Celine ran up to me, "Blake!"


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