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"I think you should talk to him", Rue said. "It's been what? Over a week? And he hasn't answered my calls", Mira sighed as she placed the silky mask on her face and smoothened it out. I did the same as I relaxed on my seat, "What makes you think he's going to listen to me?". "Gut feeling?", Rue said with a smile.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently. The door opened and he turned back into the house, leaving me to shut the door myself. I followed him into the house quietly taking in the place. "If you're here to tell me I'm overreacting then you might as well just leave", he said as he stood and scrutinized me with his eyes. I put my bag on the glass table, "I'm not here to say that". "Then", he said picking up his glass, "You're here to maybe, preach about ethics and all your moral acts, cause if it's that then trust me, I'm trying to get over you", he drank a large gulp of whatever was in the cup, I'm guessing alcohol.

My heart broke at his words and the conceit in his voice. He dropped the cup and glanced at me, "Why are you staring at...". Before he finished, I walked up to him and hugged him. At first, he stood transfixed but slowly his arms rose and he wrapped them around me tightly. "I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm not disputing the fact that you obviously need time to process everything that happened, Jace", I whispered.

"I just wish he told me sooner. I wish I didn't have to find out years later in the midst of our friends and yet we claim to be family. The fact that hurts the most is the fact that Bri knew and I didn't. I'm supposed to be his brother!", he choked out and I could try that he was trying his best to contain himself. I pulled away and looking in his eyes, "You are and no one can change that. I think there's a lot of miscommunications and you guys need to talk it out".

He sighed and hugged me again, "Can you focus on your own problems and stop trying to fix Jeff's". I chuckled and let go of him, "And what problem might that be", I said as I walked over to the couch. He turned around to face me, "Well", he said demonstrating with his hands, "The guy you love keeps asking you out but you keep acting like you don't care". I rested on the couch and made a face, "You know I care and you know why I said no". He sat beside me and looked at me, "Actually I don't, cause last I checked he's single, never married, free, hot and dashingly handsome". "Why are you talking about yourself in third person?", I laughed. He stretched his hand and held mine, "You're diverting again". "Jace", I laughed as I held onto his hand. "Jess", he smirked as he brought his face closer to mine.

I sighed and looked at him squarely, "Penny is...", but he interrupted me before I could finish, "happy and she adores you so if we get married, there are no problems". I looked at him amusingly, "You're impossible". "I've been told that a million times", he smiled as he swept my hair behind my ear and held my face, pulling me closer to him.

Jess, this isn't why you came here! You came to solve his problem with his brother. What are you doing?

My subconscious screamed but I shut it out as I looked into his brown eyes. Seconds and seconds passed, our lips found each other and all of my thoughts and worries faded away.

He pulled me closer to him and I willingly obliged.

I pulled away and smiled, "First, promise you'll reconcile with Jeff". He groaned, "Fine I will", he said eyes on my lips. He pulled me back towards him but I pulled away again, "Tomorrow?". He groaned frustratedly, "Yes fine", then he came closer again but I placed my finger on his lips, "Say I promise". "I fucking promise!", he yelled and immediately claimed my lips again and this time, I let him.

His hands roamed my body as I put my hands around his shoulder.

He took off my top and stared at me with exciting eyes. I laughed at how childish he looked and he looked up at me confusedly. I smiled harder as I held his face and brought it down to mine.

Mission accomplished!


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