Quiet and Lonely

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This last week has been a full one. First, Rue's date got ruined because Mark interrupted it then he leaked out Rue's PTSD rumors which led to Blake getting arrested and then yesterday, Rue was called to Celine's school because she was in a fight. Rue was tired and her mind has been really preoccupied lately and so was mine.

Rue had to leave early today she and Blake were having dinner with a friend so she told me to close up. Whenever Rue left early, I took my time to do whatever work I had pending which meant I spent more time at work than I usually should. Most time, it was to avoid going back to that lonely house.

I'm a 23 year old lady with absolutely no friends or at least a vision of starting a family and that is why I put my all in my job. And that has caused me not to focus on anything else.

I was making myself a coffee in the coffee room and I stared at the empty hallway for about 5 minutes. My phone started buzzing and I groaned at the site of the caller ID. "What is it?", I asked flatly. "Leslie, hey. I've been trying to reach you", he said. "It didn't occur to you that maybe I don't want to be reached....by you?", I said as I stirred my coffee. "Look, I know I messed up but I want to make it up to you. I just...", he said using that pesky guilty voice he always uses to sway me but I know better now. I sighed, "Look, Greg. I'm kinda busy so I have to go. Goodnight". I hung up before he could say another word.

I walked back to the office to see Larry walking out. I approached him quickly, "Larry, what were you doing in there?". He seemed surprised before composing himself and giving a smile I knew was fake, "Ah Ms Monroe, you're still here! I was just cleaning up". "But you don't clean in the evenings and I don't see any cleaning objects with you", I said looking around. He chuckled as he kept holding his stomach, "Oh, they're just around the corner. I wanted to see if it needed serious cleaning so I could get more of the materials but since you're around, I'll just wait till you're done". I nodded and smiled, "Alright".

I walked into the office and everything looked just the way I left it. Larry is an old man in his 50s, infact Rue was strongly against employing him but he was very adamant and he has been working with us for 2 years now. There's no reason to doubt him.

I walked into the compound and went straight for the door. Rue was out for dinner with Blake and "a friend" so I wasn't expecting anyone home. I had been to Rue's place umpteen times since I started working with her whether alone or accompanied. Sometimes, she'd have me drop off a document or letter that she needed to review before the next day. In fact, I've also been to Mr Morton's house because Rue sometimes spends her nights at his house with her mum and Celine.

I put the passcode and stepped into the house. I held the letter tightly in my hand and my bag in my other as I made my way to her home office. I turned into the next hallway and the door beside me opened and a guy who was one step away from naked except the grey towel wrapped around his waist. He was drying his hair with another towel when he saw me and we both froze.

I dropped the letter and my bag out of shock, completely spilling out all of it's content including the tampons I just got from the supermarket down the street. God, Leslie you're so embarrassing!

"Oh my God! I didn't mean to startle you", the guy said as he approached me. I finally closed my mouth and after 5 seconds of blinking to make sure that I was dreaming, I found my tongue and was able to speak...partially, "I...uh. I'm...I'm fine", I said bending to pick my bag while he helped me with the letter. I made sure to not have any physical contact as he handed me the letter. "Do I know you? I mean, you have the passcode which probably means Rue knows you but we've never met, have we?", He asked with confusion written all over his face but yet he still managed to look hot.

Well we clearly haven't met before cause if we had, I don't think I would've forgotten it.

I forced myself to smile but my entire body was hyperventilating at the sight of this still dripping naked human before me, "I'm Leslie, Rue's personal assistant". God, I hope I'm not being weird. Am I acting weird? I always act weird.

"Leslie, Rue's mentioned you a few times. I'm Jordan, Rue's brother", he smiled. Rue's mentioned him before for sure but I had never seen a picture of him. "I'm actually not supposed be here right now but I really needed to use the toilet...and then the shower... and then I was planning on using her Netflix and probably preparing dinner for myself", he said with a very charming smile. Am I turned on? I can't be.

"I won't say a word. I need to drop this..", I said waving the letter in my hand, "in her office". "Oh yeah, sure. I'll go...uh...put on clothes", he said gesturing to his body. "Mmhmm", I said as I walked down the hall towards the office. I dropped the letter on the desk and let out a breath of relief.

I don't think I've ever felt an immense attraction to someone just at first sight. It's probably lust, it's probably cause he was naked. I'm human, sue me!

Leslie, snap out of it! This is your boss's brother. You know she won't entertain such so better get your shit together, go downstairs, say goodbye and leave.

All my plan faltered before my eyes as I walked into the living room. He was fully clothed, thank God, in a plain shirt and shorts. He had two glasses of wine in his hand and a very inviting smile. "Hey, want some?", he asked as he handed me a glass. I looked at him skeptically, "I don't think I should do that considering you aren't even supposed to be here". He laughed and cocked his head, "Touché". I smile and held my bag tighter. "I'm lonely and God sent you to me. Just sit for 5 minutes! You should be more worried than me, at least you came with a purpose", he said handing me the glass again. I smiled and took the glass, "Yeahhh at least I didn't come to shower or use her Netflix".

We sat on the coffee table and I was counting down to 5 minutes in my head. "I'm a football coach", he started, "I was always interested in football. While Rue painted, I played ball. That was how we got over our dad". "I'm sorry", I said apologetically but he shrugged it off, "It's a long time ago. Anyways, I thought I was probably going to shoot for the stars and become an international footballer like Blake but I later realized, that even though I enjoyed playing football games, I enjoyed teaching it more. So I'm a coach now". Awwnn so inspiring. "That's cute", I smiled sweetly.

"So how's it like working for Rue?", he asked. "It's fun", I smiled as I spun the wine around in the glass. "Fun?", he gasped, "There's no way working with my sister is considered as fun! Even when my mum made us sort laundry, Rue made it a huge task! Nothing is fun with her in it". I laughed at his expression, "She's actually not that bad or maybe I'm just uptight myself". "I doubt that", he smiled staring directly at me. We were staring at each other for about a minute before I cleared my throat and looked away snapping both of us out of our trance. "5 minutes is up! It was lovely meeting you", I said and picked up my bag. I almost glanced back but decided not as I quickly walked out of the house.

I opened the door of my apartment and turned on the lights. Sigh, back to my humble hole. I dropped my keys on the counter and started to take off my clothes still making my way to my room.

I sat on my bed and stared at the clothes I forgot to put away this morning. I already missed his company but I'm not going to admit that to myself.

Sure the house was quiet and lonely but I liked it... I guess. Besides I'll be on my way to the office in about 8 hours, I can bear that.


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