Pardonne Moi

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Three days in this hospital and I was slowly losing my mind. I pushed the hospital food away and laid on my bed groaning, I started sitting up and falling back simultaneously. For some reason, the WiFi was now really slow and I couldn't go 5 minutes through the movie without it buffering 10 times.




I had considered calling Leslie to bring some work for me in the hospital but I decided against it because Flynn had specifically warned me not to think of working while I heal and I tried explaining that working was my solace but he wasn't having it.

My phone buzzed continuously. I tried to pack my hair with one hand since the other had a cast but I failed woefully so I grudgingly picked up my phone. My face instantly lit up as I accepted the call,

"Rue, how're you?", Bri smiled through the phone. "Slowly dying but great", I said pretending to cry but that stopped when Mike's head popped into the screen. He waved at me with a huge smile on his face, "Heyyyy", I smiled at his cuteness, "I'd wave back but my other arm is busy being lazy in this cast". Mike laughed, throwing his head back, "I see you're recovering very fine". "Yup! How's Milan?", I questioned, hoping they'd be able to entertain me out of my misery.

Bri and Mike decided to go to Milan for a vacation. Well actually, Bri's going for a shoot but Mike decided to tag along, I almost felt jealous.

"It's great! Uh...", Bri smiled as she ran her hand through her hair, "The atmosphere is really great. I love it. I wish you were here! But don't worry I'll send you as many photos as I can". "I trust you", I smiled. Her mouth opened, intending to say something when network decided that time was up. Her mouth hung open as the screen kept showing "reconnecting". I dropped my phone slowly and sighed before screaming at the top of my lungs and scattering the sheets.

After waiting 20 minutes, for my message informing Bri of the network problems to send, I fell flat on my bed and started staring at the drip that was attached to the back of my right palm. "You know staring at it isn't going to make it disappear", a voice came from the door making me jolt up from my laying position to see Blake standing by the open door. How he opened the door and got in without my notice didn't bother me as my eyes raked his body. He was in a grey top and black jacket with black jeans and white Jordans.

I sighed and laid back on the bed, "Well there's no harm in trying". He stepped further into the room and sat on the seat beside my bed, "How're you?", he asked as he dropped his phone on the side table. I sat up and stretched to him, raising his hands up to the my face level, "Miserable", I said putting on finger down, "Bored out of my head", I said pushing another finger down, "Utterly useless, Sick, Hungry, Depressed", at this point Blake was already smiling, "Slowly dying, Fading away, Did I say miserable?". "Okay okay I get your point", he laughed as he held my hand and gently placed it on the bed.

I pouted while resting on the headrest, Blake smiled before picking up something and placing it on my bed. I sniffed and sniffed as my mouth watered, "Is that what I think it is", my eyes widened in happiness as I picked up the package and emptied it's content on the bed.

"Yes!", I exclaimed as I picked up the chips and dipped it into the ketchup Blake opened seconds ago, I threw it into my mouth and moaned, "Oh my God, this is why I live you". He chuckled, "I don't know if you've actually forgotten the word or it's the circumstances around the time you say it but I live you too", he helped me bring out the burger from the bucket. I laughed as I stuffed more chips in my mouth while Blake sat quietly, or so I thought before hearing a camera click. My gaze turned to him, "What are you doing?". "Gathering blackmail photos", he said waving his phone in my face.

Blake had gone out 30 minutes ago and I was back to staring between the roof and my hands. I got down from the bed and walked to the window, dragging my drip stand, to see a few people who'd come today with boards saying how much they loved me. I was bored, okay? So I did the next logical thing that came to mind.

I opened the window and yelled, "Hey!". Once they saw me, they immediately started taking pictures and waving back. "Thank you guys so much. Thank you thank you", I smiled. "You sound like you just won an award", came a voice from behind me. I immediately turned around to see Blake holding a luggage bag, curiosity took hold of me as I walked over to him and pointed at the bag, "What's in it?". "Your clothes", he replied as he walked over to the bed, turning the bag upside down causing it's contents to spill. Out came some clothes, hair brush, chapstick and sandals which all belong to me. I looked up at him with the same amount of confusion as before, "Are my getting discharged?", I asked hopefully but he shook his head, throwing my hopes into the disgusting hospital food. "So why'd you bring my clothes?", I inquired. "Because I had a talk with the doctor and he let me take you out for a day", Blake said as he pulled out his phone from his back pocket. "Really", I asked with widened eyes, he smiled at me proudly, "I told him that you're practically dying and outdoor helps you heal". "What would I do without you?", I gasped as I jumped around.

"Hey hey careful", Blake yelled in fear, "Let me help you with that", he said as he pulled off my luggage bag which contained my drip stuff, I have no idea what they're called but the stuff is in my bag connected to the hose that is still in my hand. I felt like the girl in the fault in my stars as I handed my hand luggage bag containing my drip to Blake. He hung it over his shoulder while I started walking further front but I was restricted and then was when I realized that the hose connecting my hand to the drop is hanging on Blake's shoulder. I turned to Blake who was smiling mischievously at me, he walked up to me and held my hand. I looked at our hands before looking up at him as his focus stayed on his phone.

"Where are we going?", I questioned Blake as I got into his car. I haven't gotten a new driver yet and I don't think I will in a long time cause now I have trust issues considering Steve's backstab. Blake dropped the bag beside my feet before shutting my door and going over to his.

"Since you've missed three days of the outside world, we're going to see the whole of LA", he said as he turned on the ignition of his car. "Awwnnn you're so sweet", I cooed and nudged his arm playfully. He only laughed while focusing on the road, I resisted the urge to sing cause that will only prove my fear, that things were going back to the way it was.

The car came to a stop, looking out of the window I tried to seek a clue of where we were but the exterior features of this building gave no hint. "Before you asked where we are, wait till we get in", Blake said as he helped me out of the car, slinging my bag on his shoulder. He held my hand and led me into the building.

"Good day Mr Andrews", an unfamiliar man shook Blake's hand, I listened awkwardly as they kept talking. "We booked the ride earlier", Blake said and my ears perked up. Ride? "We're riding?", I asked at the same time the man nodded, "Right this way, please". I was blatantly ignored as Blake dragged me with him to wherever the tall man was leading us.

"Excuse me? Pardonne moi? Who's getting on that", I said with shaking hands. "Us. This is how we're seeing LA", he smiled pointing at the hot air balloon.

"Can I go back to the hospital?"


Loving You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora