Settling Scores

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I walked out of the bedroom to give Blake time to freshen up while I prepared something for lunch. I thought about the whole Jeff and Jace issue and I wondered whether Jess would be able to talk to Jace.

I sliced the onions and placed them in a bowl when the bell rang. I walked over to the door and opened it to see David, my security guard, "Ma'am this letter came for you". I looked at the letter confusedly as I collected it, "Thanks". I closed the door and started to open the letter as I headed back to the kitchen. It's from a law firm called Leon's Legal Firm, that's a real estate legal firm.

Dear Miss Evans,


This is to notify you that our client, Mr Jerry Malloy, has informed us of a breach in our contract concerning the land of 10,000sqm and you have hereby, been sued to court.

My head started to get dizzy and I couldn't continue reading the letter.

"Babe, I smell something burning!", Blake yelled as he skipped down the stairs.

I couldn't care less about the food as my eyes never left the paper even though I couldn't see anything at this point. "Rue?", Blake called out to me as he approached me. He held my arm as he came to stand in my front looking at me with worry, "What's wrong? What's this?", he asked as he pulled out the letter from my hands and read it.

"This doesn't make any sense", I muttered as I placed a hand over my head.

"Hey Hey Rue!", Blake said as he held my shoulders and forced me to look at him, "There is no need to panic, okay? All we have to do is phone Flynn, he knows a lot about all these. He'll be able to help, okay?". I looked at him and nodded, almost believing him.

"It's a notice of a breach of contract. That could mean anything, and it's mostly always resolved in a consultation which is what you'll request for. That way, the two parties can liase on the next step. It'll probably be for you to pay a fine or something like that. Collateral damages", Flynn said as he read through the letter before dropping it on the table. "See, I told you that it'll be fine", Blake smiled at me and I smiled back. Flynn cleared his throat and we both turned to look at him, "There's only one problem". "What is it?", Blake asked. "I can't represent you. To the state, I'm retired", Flynn said as he took off his glasses.

"Are you sure you got this?", Blake asked with uncertainty laced all around his voice. "For the tenth time, yes!", Mira yelled as she went through the letter and started researching stuff on her laptop.

We're currently in my office. Flynn can't represent me so we called up the next lawyer we had in mind. Jace said Mira was qualified in all courts and she was really good and I don't doubt that but Blake was still skeptic. We told him it's the patriarchy in him but he keeps disagreeing.

"You're sure you made no mistakes in the contract", Mira asked as she looked at me, seriously. We're in work mode, I see. "I'm sure, Blake was with me the day we concluded", I said pointing at Blake who yelled, "Yup!", as he went through my book shelf. "Do you have any documents that show?", Mira asked. I nodded and turned to Leslie, "Leslie, get the sports villa file". She nodded and walked to the file cabinet. I focused on texting Sam about what was happening when Leslie drew my attention, "Rue". I glanced in her direction and noticed her change in mood, "What is it?". "The files is missing", She whispered in fear. I stood up abruptly from my seat, "What?", I walked over to the file cabinet and scanned through them all but I couldn't find the file amongst them. I turned around to face Blake and Mira who were both looking at me, "The...The file's gone b..but how?". I turned to Leslie who was facing the ground and turned back to the file cabinet.

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