We're Dead

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"Are you sure we shouldn't consult the doctor first?"

"I already did"

"He said it's fine?"


"Are you sure he heard you clearly? Maybe he thought you meant water balloons"

"I clearly specified Hot Air Balloon, Rue"

"Are you sure it's not going to affect the pressure of my drip"

"No, it's not. I cleared that up as well"

"So I'm not going to die?"

"Hopefully not"

"This parachute isn't helping my paranoia"

I sighed and glanced at Rue as she struggled to put on the parachute vest, making sure not to pull out the drip. I smiled and helped me put it on while she visibly shook, still glaring at me. "You'll be fine!", I said as I placed both my hands on her shoulder, she kept her glare on as she countered, "How do you know?". "Do you trust me?", I smirked.

She groaned, "Fine! But if I puke, it's on you", she responded as she slammed her luggage bag into my chest making me wince and glare at her.

"Oh my God, Oh my God, this is actually happening", Rue kept chanting as we entered the hot air balloon. The guy came in and arranged everything, he instructed me on how to control it and also showed us, again, how to work the parachute if anything was to happen, hopefully not. "Alright guys", the man smiled and waved at us, Rue glared at me, probably already regretting her decision while I excitedly turned on the machine letting the balloon rise above the ground.

"Ahh!", Rue screamed as she held onto the rims, trying to balance herself. Closing her eyes, she repeatedly expressed how much she hated me as the wind carried us higher and higher. Curses turned to tears as she continually refused to let go of the edge. I smiled and flew my arms apart letting the wind blow through my jacket. "Stop laughing, you're making me jealous", Rue pouted as her hair flew all over the place, clearly having the fun she was refusing to have.

Suddenly, she surged forward clutching her stomach. I looked at her questioningly, "Uhhh I think you need to puke?". She made an expression that said "duh!" because she was incapable of speaking at the moment. She lunges forward but I held her in place as she threw up outside the balloon. I looked at her with an horrified expression, "Rue you just puked on an innocent soul! That could've been a kid you threw up on!", I said as I pointed downwards. She glanced over before looking at me, "Well I couldn't help it!", she folded her hands as her hair flew all around the place.

Minutes later, "OMG it's so beautiful!", Rue gasped as she looked down at the earth. By now, we were way high in the sky and Rue has finally started to let loose after possibly puking on an innocent person. I smiled as she stretched her free hand wide and closed her eyes whilst her hair blew everywhere. Absolutely stunning.

She opened her eyes and caught me staring but I didn't bother to look away. She smiled and hugged me, "Thanks for bringing me up here. It's amazing, weirdly therapeutic. I love it". "I knew you would", I said in a husky voice as I looked into her eyes, her into mine. We leaned closer to each other as I put my hands to cup her cheek and just as we were about to kiss, I mistakenly leaned on the controls and the balloon wobbled.

She clung onto me as she looked at me, horrified to say the least, "What's wrong?". "I think I may have just ruined our ride". I said slowly and gently so she wouldn't panic but I guess I thought wrong. She immediately placed her hands over her head, "We're going to die!".

"No we're not!", I yelled over the wind as I searched for how to put the balloon back in control but I was completely void.

"Are you a hot air balloon specialist? Cause if not, I'm not listening", she cried out, "Oh and my phone isn't here. I have to call mum, Celine, Jordan, oh and Leslie, Sam, Jess. How would I bade them goodbye", she kept whining hysterically.

"Oh for the love of God, please let me think", I whined back equally frustrated as the balloon kept blowing around and shrinking in size. She kept quiet for a while, silently cursing me. I turned to her with the only logical solution we had and one she's probably not going to like.

"What did you just say?", she shrieked with horror.

"I said we have to jump", I repeated slowly.

"You're insane!", she said as she started crying.

"So you'll do it?", I said looking at her hopefully, she remained silent. I held her hand, "Hey, don't you trust me?" 

"Nooooooo", she screamed. "I thought you wanted to make noise?", I said amidst my laughter. She looked at me with frightened eyes, "I can't! Jesus! I'm not going down there" "Oh come on Rue, it's not even that way down", I laughed at her disheveled state. She turned to me with pleading eyes, "I thought you said you loved me". I laughed and held her hand, "I do, now would you just trust me?". She remained silent before slowly nodding. I jumped, pulling her with me while she screamed for her dear life, in her words. Immediately we landed in the water, She quickly held on to me, "I'm never doing that again!". I laughed and hugged her tighter, we stared at each other till we finally kissed.

She sighed and slowly nodded, "I already know I'm going to regret this". I smiled, "At least if we die, we spent our last day together", she glared at me, "Not you joking about death when we're about to jump out of a shrinking hot air balloon". "Sorry", I smiled. I squeezed her hand tightly before we both looked down.

"1", I yelled, looking at her.

"2", she said after

"3!", we both yelled

And we jumped...

"Ahhhh", Rue's splitting scream rang in my ears as I held on to her hands tightly.

"We're going to die. Infact, we're dead!", Rue screamed with eyes tightly shut whilst I looked around us as the parachute obeyed the law of gravity and started soaring. "Open your eyes", I yelled to her but she shook her head firmly, "I'd rather not watch us fall to our deaths". I laughed and yelled, "if you don't open your eyes, I'm letting go of your hands", those words must've gotten through to her because she immediately opened her eyes and gave me a frightening look which was later dissolved as she took in the scenery below us.

"It's beautiful", she smiled slowly as her eyes flew upwards and her face radiated. "It surely is", I smiled taking in all of her, she glanced at me before making a weird face and looking away and I was really sure I saw a blush there.

"This is all your fault!", Rue frowned at me as the nurse inserted the needle into her skin for a new drip. "I solemnly take all the responsibilities", I said with my head bowed.

"I told you that we shouldn't go on it!", Rue whined frustratedly but I immediately felt the need to defend myself, "Technically I had no idea that we'd have issues with the balloon".

Due to the fact that we had jumped out from the balloon, Rue's drip had separated from her hands and her blood pressure which hadn't really settled yet was high again plus we'd put too much pressure on her wounded arm, now she had to spend an additional week in the hospital and she was definitely not going to let me live this down.

"Excuses Excuses, you should've listened to me", she said as she rested her head on the board, "It's a wonder we're alive", she continued to mutter.

I opened my mouth to speak but she quickly cut me off,

"Say one more word Blake Fucking Andrews and I'll have your head!"


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