We're At That Age

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It's finally THE day! That we have been waiting for for months now. The day I've been waiting for since high school actually. Bri is getting married and as much I like to be the calm cool headed best friend for her, I was quite the opposite. I have been scrambling around all morning trying to make sure everything's okay and even though I'm very sure that it's okay, I can't help but feel anxious. Fuck anxiety.

"Are the souvenirs packed at the back?", I asked one of the ushers who immediately nodded. She was about to speak when I heard someone yell my name and by someone I mean my boyfriend. He hastily approached me, "Hey, what are you still doing here? Why aren't you dressed". Worriedly, I sighed, "I have to make sure everything's okay. If something happens I...". "Nothing is going to happen. The event planner has everything in control", he assured me while holding my hand in his. Pulling me out and towards the room where the girls are, he said, "Now all I need you to do is change into your dress. I've been dying to take it off you". I blushed and removed my hand from his, pushing him away from me. His laugh ringing in my ears as I shut the door behind me.

I watched Bri as she struggled to remain calm in her white veil and I thought back to the day we met. We were only what? 10? To think that I would be here, standing behind her as we wait for the church to rise before she goes in to GET MARRIED! For the past 5 years, I thought I'd never be able to feel true happiness again but as she watched her struggle to keep her cool, I knew what I felt and it was happiness. My best friend is finally getting married, just as she has always dreamt. I wiped the tears from my eyes, I rested my hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at me. "Why are you so nervous?", I smiled, "All you have to do is walk. If you fall, Mike would catch you". She laughed and pushed my hand off her, "Shut up. You're not making me feel any better". We both laughed then the usher called us to proceed.

"Do you, Mike Adams, take Miss Brianna to be your lawfully wedded wife. Do you promise to love her through the best and the worst, to live.."

As the pastor read the vows, my eyes scanned the crowd till I found him. His eyes, just like everyone else were focused on Bri and Mike. I took the time to look at him. Asides his physical appearance, nothing much had changed about him since high school. His eyes are still soft and filled with love. My eyes skimmed the entire section where the guys are seated. I couldn't hold back my smile as I watched Tyler make faces at Sam who still looked gloomed over the fact that she couldn't join the bridal train due to her pregnancy.

"You may kiss the bride"

I turned back to the altar as Mike cupped Bri's face and the confetti machine shot the stream of confetti as they kissed. Everyone rose to an applause as the cheering sounds filled the church. It truly was the dream.

"Okay, okay, everyone in positions?", Bri yelled. After much yield less protest, Jess forced me to join the the crowd as Bri prepared to throw her flower.

"3!", she yelled


There's no way it's getting to me


She threw the flowers and hands flew above heads to catch it but they weren't able to. The flowers, having a mind of it's own I presume, flew straight into the only hands that weren't stretched. Mine.

Everyone laughed as I pushed the flowers towards Jess before looking away shyly only to lock eyes with Blake who along with the other guys had been watching the whole thing. The guys cheered as Blake winked at me. I scowled as I walked off in embarrassment.

I heard footsteps approach me and I looked back to see the woman of the day in all her glory. There was a different kind of aura from her since that rock went on her finger. Let's just say, she's glowing. "What's my best friend doing sitting here all alone leaving me to tend to all the guests by myself", she smiled widely as she took a seat beside me. I shrugged, "Oh nothing. I just needed some fresh air". I turned and smiled at her, "How do you feel?". "Ecstatic, happy, the happiest I've ever been, excited too", she rambled, "a little scared cause I don't know if I'm really ready for this". "If there's anyone that's born ready for this, it's you so don't worry, just enjoy it", I smiled hoping I did reassure her. She reached out to embrace me, "thank you for everything". I shook my head, pulling back so I could look at her, "I've put in you in more drama than you put me so I should be the one thanking you". She laughed, "You sure have". I joined in as we rested on the bench staring far ahead before she turned to me abruptly, "Ohh about the flowers!". I immediately stood up, blocking my ears, I started screaming, "No no, I'm not hearing it!"

"A toast to the newly married couple!", Jace yelled. Everyone around the table cheered as we raised our glasses.

The day had gone and we were all gathered in Bri's backyard to celebrate amongst ourselves before we finally leave them be.

"Welcome to the married club Brianna", Sam smiled sweetly and gave Bri a big hug. I say big, cause well, you know. "Careful careful", Tyler called out to Sam, he quickly ran to separate them and gently rubbed her tummy. Sam looked at him amused before hitting his shoulders to peer him off her tummy.

I watched their interaction with a smile before big pair of arms came around my shoulder from behind. A familiar smell of cologne hit me and the butterflies in my tummy began fluttering.

"How're you? I barely got to spend anytime with you today", his voice rang in my ears, so hoarse I almost squirmed. "Well", I rubbed his arms softly, "I was occupied being the chief bridesmaid of the bride". He chuckled, "Everything seems to be going fast doesn't it. Everyone moving to new phases of their lives. Making big decisions. We're really at that age". I stared at my friends far ahead as they were engaged in a funny conversation, smiles filled their faces and I couldn't agree more.

"Everyone let's take pictures!", Jess screamed.

"Oh for fuck's sake!", Sam yelled as she shoved Tyler who was trying to hug her tummy AGAIN

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